Worshipping Without Songs or Instruments or a Dance

For a whole two years we have been learning that worship is all about glorifying God, bringing honour, magnifying God. Worship means to honor God, respect God, to exalt God, to serve, to bless God, to prostrate, to sacrifice or give, to be in submission, to bow down and also to adore. Worship is all about glorifying God that is the simplest definition we can put, but we have seen as well that singing is a form of worship. Singing, dancing and playing instruments is a form of expressing our worship to God. It is not the whole worship but a form, a way to express our worship to God. In the body of Christ today people believe that the 3 praise and 3 worship songs we sing along on a Sunday service is worship. We are satisfied with just 30 minutes of singing along 6 songs and we say that is worship. Think about this a day has 24 hours and a week has 168 hours, so for the 168 hours in our week we only worship for 30 minutes a week. What will we be giving God for the rest of ...