The Bible The Worshipper: Which is Which

She would say if you are going to be in this choir, band or banners you need to read, live and understand the word of God. In my mind I would be like oh yah, how does singing and reading the bible connect but it took me a while till I got the understanding of how important it is to know his word. I was reminded of this a few days ago I was reading an article by Herald of His Coming, June 2011 edition and there was a statement in that was the newspaper magazine that struck a chord within me and it said “How can you have the precepts of the Holy Scriptures coursing through your mind that much without being radically changed by them” As I read this statement this scripture this scripture came to mind “Thy word have I hid in mine heart, that I might not sin against thee” Psalms 119:11 David speaks and says I have hidden you word in my heart that I may not sin against you, so his word runs through our blood system there is a shift and change not just of the mind but of the charact...