
Showing posts with the label listening to the spirit

Worship Is and Can Be Dangerous Part 3

In Genesis 4 we meet the two sons of Adam and Eve, Cain and Abel, this story hasn’t set well with me and it sill is. God brought me to a certain revelation about how serious he is about worship and its still bringing a lot of elements out of it and I pray that God may reveal to you more about this chapter beyond what he has revealed to me so far. “One has to dig into the heart attitude, what God requires from you, not what you feel like doing for Him” Wilhelm Olivier Cain was the 1 st born son of Adam and Eve and he was a farmer or agriculturalist, the bible say he was a was a tiller of the ground. Cain brought to God an offering which was from the fruit of the ground   Abel was the 2 nd son of Adam and Eve and was a keeper of sheep in simple terms he was a rancher, He was the younger brother to Cain and Abel also brought of the firstlings of his flock and of the fat thereof.   It all starts with Cain and Abel bringing an offering before God and the...

Listening In Two Directions: Listening To The Spirit While Practicing

This Article was written by Stacey Gleddiesmith The idea of listening to the Spirit during practice may seem silly. After all, you’re simply figuring out who plays what, when, and making sure everything will go smoothly when it’s time for the real deal. But practice is more than rote learning, or getting our musical ducks in a row (if  only  we all had musical ducks!). It’s also a moment of confirmation and adjustment. Either practice confirms that I’m following the Spirit’s voice or it is another opportunity for the Spirit to interrupt the “me-show” and re-align my plans with his calling and purpose. We may have planned well and thoroughly, and tried our best to listen as we did so, but sometimes our sin-selves still get in the way. As we, with prayer, enact the prayer-soaked plans we made, we  hear  we  feel  the places that are “not quite right.” The spots where my pride, or my agenda, or my selfishness go...