Dont Despise Your Past

It’s All In The Past... Basically modern day worship is what it today because of one man, Kind David. The man whom God considers to be a man after his heart but the very same man was a sinner on a grand level, God looked past that and still loved him. David was Was born out of wedlock - David wasn't a legitimate child because he wasn't recognized as son by his father Jesse No kingly right - David had no right to the throne he wasn't Jonathan brother or even any Saul's sons. He had no right to be king whatsoever or any birthright No Levitical or priestly background or training. A Shepherd boy - the son of Jesse was a Shepherd and used to start far away from home tending sheep which weren't many. His brothers say to him “whom have you left with those few sheep” A Cast away from family - his family had no regard for him and they looked down upon him. David slew Goliath, he won battles, became King, won more battles and he organized Israel...