
Showing posts with the label truthful worship

Why God is Fussy About His Presence Part 2

                “But Jesus answered, "I assure you that the Son can do nothing alone. He does only what he sees his Father doing. The Son does the same things that the Father does”. John 5:19   Jesus declared these words to prove a point to the Jews of his place and his ministry and was trying to show them the source of his life. Jesus meant that all He did was exactly what he SAW literally seeing. How did Jesus see what the father was doing? Jesus spent time with the father alone in his presence. Do you?  Jesus chased after God, Jesus even though he was God sought after the Father. He would serve people the whole day and then pray all night as long as he could carry. Think about it… The question would be why the presence of God? He already receives perfect angelic worship, the earth, creation gives him worship why does he still ask me to worship when he is already having w...

Why My Heart Alone

Why My Heart Alone   Worship in the bible started as an attitude of sacrifice and obedience and with time it became an integral part in Israel with the tabernacle and sacrifices evolving into worship and music. Now we are having so many worship wars in the church over the small little things and we haven’t searched the scriptures to know what the word says, all we know has been passed down from the generation before us.   One of the things we have been told is that worship is a matter of the heart. In the process of time man has detached his heart from his life, it easy for man to worship God with his heart but his mind and body are somewhere else . You hear people say God only looks at the heart and only considers the heart.   True that worship starts in the heart and God is more blessed with worship that comes from the heart but what moves Him or the worship that attracts his attention comes from a broken heart. “ For thou desirest not sacrifice; e...

Why You’re Burned Out (And How To Avoid It)

 Good Day Worshippers  This article was taken from David Santistevan Blog On a scale of 1 to 10, how burned out are you? Go ahead, be honest. Just the other day I was talking to a worship leader friend of mine. I was always encouraged being around him. His perspective on ministry and life was energizing. But something was different about him this day. He was tired. Where once there was a spark in his eye and a skip in his step, now seemed to be nothing but exhaustion. Ministry was no longer a joy. He was burned out. We’re all prone to this sort of burn out. Matter of fact, you may be burned out and not even realize it. You’re so accustomed to it that you can’t see the fires of exhaustion all around you. Burn out has become like a toxic friend that you hang out with because they’ve always been there…and, there’s no one else around. Signs of burn out are numerous. Here are a few: -...

Worshipping Without Words and Music

When one speaks about worship beyond just singing and music, people tend to squirm. The question I kept looking for in the word of God was “is there worship beyond singing and music”. Worship in the word of God is shown that it goes beyond words. Worship  isn't  an act but it so a lifestyle and a daily experience that one lives every day. Our lives are sometimes a mystery but the greatest gift we have been given is worship. Fruit is one way that we can worship without words and the bible declares it very clearly “By him therefore let us offer the sacrifice of praise to God continually, that is, the fruit of our lips giving thanks to his name”. Hebrew 13:15. Our lips have fruit, our words have results. Our lips have produce that is attached to them when we speak. God says in Isaiah my words shall not come back to me void but shall complete everything that I have sent them to do. The words we speak today have fruit, in our mouth there is God ordained power to name an...

Characteristics Of A Worshipper

Being a child of God and being called a Christian qualifies a person to be a worshipper, whether you have a sweet voice or a horsey voice, whether you can dance or you have CRD (Caucasian Rhythm Disorder) in God’s books you qualify as a worshipper. The name of a person reveals their character and the quality of worship reveals the character of a worshipper . Just like the names of God reveal his character and a worshipper is known his or her character. Characteristics of a Worshipper Brokenness and Humility   “ The sacrifices of God are a broken spirit: a broken and a contrite heart, O God, thou wilt not despise” Psalms 51:17  “The LORD is nigh (near) unto them that are of a broken heart; and saveth such as be of a contrite spirit” Psalms 34:18 “Because your heart was tender, and thou didst humble thyself before God, when thou heard his words against this place, and against the inhabitants thereof, and humbled thyself before me, and didst rend thy clot...

Is Worship a Sunday Thing or A Daily Life Experience, What Do You Think…

Congratulations and Compliments of 2012.... In My church its been declared that its a year of "Putting God First". May we all put God first and may we chase after Him with everything we have and may God fill your year with plenty much of him and may worship be deeper and become as natural as breathing air.... Worship is a lifestyle not mean to be a Sunday event, it is a daily experience which we are committed to for the rest of our existence, so if you don’t go to church does that mean that in that week, or if you relocate away from church then you will not worship. Worship goes beyond geographical boundaries, atmospheres, locations, prayer, churches and any kind of meetings. We worship God everywhere and anywhere, with lifted voices, with silent adoration, lifted hands, fruits of our lips, the blessing from our hearts and whatever we can find to bring glory to our God. “Worship is a lifestyle and daily experience and not an event” Worship in church is impo...

The Place of Fear and Reverence in Worship

The idea of worship is that one prostrates himself before a superior being with an attitude of awe, respect, honour and homage. It is amazing the things that can be unlocked just through reverence. “Let us worship with reverence and awe for our God is a consuming fire”. Hebrews 12:29 Reverence means to show respect or fear, a common way in Israel to show reverence was “falling down,” “lying on the ground facedown” as prostration of the body showing that the one you bow to is superior to you. Fear is a regard with feelings of respect and reverence or considering hallowed or exalted or be in awe of and the word simply states that “ The fear of the LORD is to hate evil” Proverbs 8:13 . Fear of the Lord is living a life which not only hates but is free of sin. God is God and we are to worship God with our hearts and our spirits full and overflowing with the fear of the Lord. God is friend and a Father but when we come to worship shall we still worship Him as friend or...

The Mistaken Myth Truth About Surrender!

Worship is all about surrender, giving clearance for a higher authority to take over your life, surrendering our lives, jobs, family and our destinies to the power of God. That worship. Surrender according to dictionary means: Give up possession of something: to relinquish possession or control of something because of coercion or force, surrender territory, surrender your passport Declare yourself defeated: to declare to an opponent that he or she has won so that fighting or conflict can cease These are the world views on surrender and according to the Microsoft dictionary states that surrender is when we relieve ourselves the right to rule our lives and we give that right to God. Relinquishing the power that we have and giving it to God, that’s what worship is all about. It’s not just an action that you can do but it’s a lifestyle lived not a once off act, it’s not just lifting your hands or singing a surrender song. It is setting your life to have ...

Worship, Unforgiveness and Sin. The Challenge!

 “Who shall ascend into the hill of the LORD? or who shall stand in his holy place, He that hath clean hands, and a pure heart; who hath not lifted up his soul unto vanity, nor sworn deceitfully”, Psalms 24:3  Worship is the vehicle that is at the centre of God and it should be at the centre of our lives also. God doesn't want men standing before Him and worshipping Him but carrying unforgiven sin and unforgiveness full in our lives. The bible tells us that God hates the sin in man, God doesn't hate the men and when we touch God with our worship He inturns touches us with love as well but if we are to exalt him the bible tells us to do it with clean hands and a pure heart. The bible speaks of a man who comes to sacrifice and realises that he wronged his brother and Jesus says leave your offering by the altar, go back and reconcile with your brother. God doesn't want man to stand and sacrifice to Him with sin and unfo...