Why God is Fussy About His Presence Part 2

“But Jesus answered, "I assure you that the Son can do nothing alone. He does only what he sees his Father doing. The Son does the same things that the Father does”. John 5:19 Jesus declared these words to prove a point to the Jews of his place and his ministry and was trying to show them the source of his life. Jesus meant that all He did was exactly what he SAW literally seeing. How did Jesus see what the father was doing? Jesus spent time with the father alone in his presence. Do you? Jesus chased after God, Jesus even though he was God sought after the Father. He would serve people the whole day and then pray all night as long as he could carry. Think about it… The question would be why the presence of God? He already receives perfect angelic worship, the earth, creation gives him worship why does he still ask me to worship when he is already having w...