
Showing posts with the label spontaneous worship

New Wine Skins, The New Things Of God...

This Article was done by a friend of mine Benjamin Sealey on his blog   Benjamin Sealey Blog “And no one pours new wine into old wine skins. Otherwise, the new wine will burst the skins; the wine will run out and the wine skins will be ruined.” (Luke 5:37.) I have often spoken about a new work that God wants to do with His church. The Holy Spirit wants to work amongst His people like never before. He is preparing His bride into a people who will no longer chase man, religion or our own d esires, but that will love Him, live in Him and walk in the reality of Him. This new movement is going to be the beginning of the end-time army, an army so beautiful, so unified, so selfless and so effective. We will miss the new that He is doing unless we become new wine skins. The wineskin in the parable is us, and everything that makes us who we are. It is our beliefs, our way of doing things, it is how we operate and walk as a people. If we want the new that God wants to p...

Choosing Songs For A Worship Session or A Songlist

Different places sing different songs, different churches use different genre of music or no music at all and its challenging as a worship leader because one thing that stands out in any place of worship are the songs of worship. A great worship leader is one who knows how to use worship songs to glorify God. It’s easy to stand in a room full of people and sing songs of worship and people either connect with them or people are baffled. It’s easy to choose songs that you know that anytime, any day you will “kill it” or you will deliver or we choose songs that won’t work.  We get in frantic mode to pick the best songs everyone will like, that every church is doing, the ones on the radio or songs that make everyone jump. Then, when it comes time to lead worship, we sing through the same songs. Leading worship is about creating a platform for people to meet their maker; it’s about us fading into the background and God being visible. In order to lead, you must know ...

So You Call Yourself A Worshipper

Studying the books of Isaiah, Ezekiel, Revelations, Daniel and Job one thing that stood out was the detailed explanations of how these man of God had numerous encounters with God and in detail they explained how their whole experiences set a platform to know God from that place forward ad that revelation became the basis of their worship. God is a good God and the way that He appears to me and you is totally different especially determined by our level of comprehension of who He is and it’s true that we have not been all called in the same way but today we want to focus on your walk with Him by self introspection to gauge where we are. We are not comparing but looking from the start of our walk with Christ and our lives today. Questions To A Worshipper Is the presence of God (face of God) evident in your life    “And it came to pass, when Moses came down from Mount Sinai with the two tables of testimony in Moses' hand, when he came down from the mount, ...

Chasing After The Lord In Worship

In Judges 13 we meet the story of Samson’s birth when an angel came to announce the call of Samson upon Manoah’s wife. The Angel told her she was to conceive and bear a child and no razor would touch his head. She in turn told the Manoah about the visitation. Manoah was absent when the angelic visitation happened to his wife but regardless He chose to entreat (beseech, request for earnestly) God in his own place that the angel visits them again so that they can learn how to rear the child Samson in the manner that he should be brought up. The question is, how many of us are entreating (earnestly searching) the Lord to teach us worship,  Let alone lead us into worship the manner that he desires us to worship. Beyond Sunday are we chasing after God, beyond the four walls of church or mid-week services as worshippers do we have a relationship with the Lord. Worship is a lifestyle and daily experience and I know we are in a world full of things going on, but we need to grow beyond...

Worship Lessons From A Bush Church

I attended a rural church service a couple of weeks ago in Mozambique and it was an interesting. I come from church where I play percussion and in our church we have 2 500 people attending service on a Sunday morning, air conditioning with comfortable seating and a huge band and choir with a an amazing sound system. So here I am in a church with 7 Men, 7 Women and about 30 kids dancing and worship with in a newly made pole and straw roofed sanctuary, with clear Mother Nature air con, no sound system and seating in benches and plastic chairs for us because we were guest, the women were seating on the ground on straw mats plus an African drum stick and shakers made from old metal cans. So in my eyes are 15 older people and a group of children singing, dancing, and ululating with huge smiles on their faces. A dust rising as they danced and sung to a drum and the metal shakers playing. When they started praying you can hear gratitude they had to God regardless of the few thing...

Worshipping Without Words and Music Part 2

Worship goes beyond songs, words, notes, chords and instruments. Worship means to pay homage, falling before someone feet, glorifying a deity, honor paid to dignity , kind of reverence ascribing worth. Genesis 22:5 that was the first mention of the word Worship in the Bible, it denoted sacrifice and obedience. Worship in today’s ages and to some people means songs and music, that is 3 praise song and 3 worship songs if there are more than 6 songs at your church on Sunday then you are privileged. Some believe doing a bible study and fellowship for them that is the understanding that they have of worship. Worship is a lifestyle and way of life and today I am talking about worship with our works and we look at what the words says about, “ Let your light so shine before men, that they may see your good works, and glorify your Father which is in heaven ”, Matthew 5:16    “ But when the multitudes saw it, they marvelled, and glorified God, which had given such p...

Characteristics Of A Worshipper

Being a child of God and being called a Christian qualifies a person to be a worshipper, whether you have a sweet voice or a horsey voice, whether you can dance or you have CRD (Caucasian Rhythm Disorder) in God’s books you qualify as a worshipper. The name of a person reveals their character and the quality of worship reveals the character of a worshipper . Just like the names of God reveal his character and a worshipper is known his or her character. Characteristics of a Worshipper Brokenness and Humility   “ The sacrifices of God are a broken spirit: a broken and a contrite heart, O God, thou wilt not despise” Psalms 51:17  “The LORD is nigh (near) unto them that are of a broken heart; and saveth such as be of a contrite spirit” Psalms 34:18 “Because your heart was tender, and thou didst humble thyself before God, when thou heard his words against this place, and against the inhabitants thereof, and humbled thyself before me, and didst rend thy clot...

The Worship Musician’s Guide to Flowing In the Spirit On Your Instrument

This is a post by David Santistevan. taken from The idea of flowing in the Spirit can be a turn-off to many. We’ve seen enough crazies to know we don’t want to be “that guy.” The problem is that worship isn’t simply a performance of worship songs. It’s participation in the living, ever-present, life-changing presence of God. Yea, that changes things. Want to know the truth? God is moving every service. He is calling, drawing, awakening, and saving all the time. But if you’re unaware as a worship team musician, you can distract rather than contribute. Why Flow? The value of “flowing in the Spirit” is based on the truth that God is in the room. This isn’t just songs. This isn’t just fellowship. This isn’t just preaching. This is encounter. And as a worship team, we need to be ready to go where God is taking people. He is the true worship leader and we work together to see His Kingdom come and His will done in our ...

Is Worship a Sunday Thing or A Daily Life Experience, What Do You Think…

Congratulations and Compliments of 2012.... In My church its been declared that its a year of "Putting God First". May we all put God first and may we chase after Him with everything we have and may God fill your year with plenty much of him and may worship be deeper and become as natural as breathing air.... Worship is a lifestyle not mean to be a Sunday event, it is a daily experience which we are committed to for the rest of our existence, so if you don’t go to church does that mean that in that week, or if you relocate away from church then you will not worship. Worship goes beyond geographical boundaries, atmospheres, locations, prayer, churches and any kind of meetings. We worship God everywhere and anywhere, with lifted voices, with silent adoration, lifted hands, fruits of our lips, the blessing from our hearts and whatever we can find to bring glory to our God. “Worship is a lifestyle and daily experience and not an event” Worship in church is impo...

Worship is A Decision

Worship and Salvation are decisions that one has to make, no one makes the decision for you or sign on your behalf, they are all about you and God. God is looking to connect with men and especially with you. Men were created for fellowship with God and fellowship with God is one on one. “Worship is an internal attitude and action that focuses on God”. Anonymous Tithe blesses you, fasting makes your spirit sensitive to the Holy Spirit, offering and alms are added to your account, prayer allows you to withdraw your blessing kept for you by God. Worship is one lifestyle that causes God to stop, call a time out in Heaven, spin on his seat and take time to meet with you. Every time God came on earth or walked on earth what he was looking for was communion and fellowship with men, He would walk in the garden just to have fellowship with Adam and Eve.  In Genesis 11 God came down looking for communion with men and he found men building the Tower of Babel. God’s heart is ...

The Mistaken Myth Truth About Surrender!

Worship is all about surrender, giving clearance for a higher authority to take over your life, surrendering our lives, jobs, family and our destinies to the power of God. That worship. Surrender according to dictionary means: Give up possession of something: to relinquish possession or control of something because of coercion or force, surrender territory, surrender your passport Declare yourself defeated: to declare to an opponent that he or she has won so that fighting or conflict can cease These are the world views on surrender and according to the Microsoft dictionary states that surrender is when we relieve ourselves the right to rule our lives and we give that right to God. Relinquishing the power that we have and giving it to God, that’s what worship is all about. It’s not just an action that you can do but it’s a lifestyle lived not a once off act, it’s not just lifting your hands or singing a surrender song. It is setting your life to have ...

Worship, Unforgiveness and Sin. The Challenge!

 “Who shall ascend into the hill of the LORD? or who shall stand in his holy place, He that hath clean hands, and a pure heart; who hath not lifted up his soul unto vanity, nor sworn deceitfully”, Psalms 24:3  Worship is the vehicle that is at the centre of God and it should be at the centre of our lives also. God doesn't want men standing before Him and worshipping Him but carrying unforgiven sin and unforgiveness full in our lives. The bible tells us that God hates the sin in man, God doesn't hate the men and when we touch God with our worship He inturns touches us with love as well but if we are to exalt him the bible tells us to do it with clean hands and a pure heart. The bible speaks of a man who comes to sacrifice and realises that he wronged his brother and Jesus says leave your offering by the altar, go back and reconcile with your brother. God doesn't want man to stand and sacrifice to Him with sin and unfo...

Prepared to Worship

  Always ask yourself am I prepared to Worship God anytime, anyplace, anywhere? When we worship our minds think about God, we offer ourselves to Him our emotions and we open our hearts with our bodies expressing to all this by actions. Which means that worship is not just a mouth but it’s about your spirit, soul and body all focused to lift up his name. If you check yourself and see that you are missing one part then there is something you need to work on. When you are a part of the worship given to God then we have to get prepared for this work all time. Israel was always told in advance to get prepared to the appearance or manifestation of God on the mountain. Their preparation in Exodus 19:10, 14-15 wasn’t just a spiritual act but it was physical act. Israel had 3 big festivals (f east of unleavened bread, the feast of weeks and the feast of tabernacles ) every year which they conducted and honoured of which worship was the central part of it. Worship in Israe...