
Showing posts with the label spiritual worship

Who is the Boss Oh! Worship Leader?

So many times we get used to doing something that we become familiar with it and we don’t hold it in high esteem. So many times as worship leaders we are used to olanning the set, people looking to us for direction, planning this and that and we then forget or get familiar with it that we forget the who is in charge. 1.        Me - Truth is as the worship leader I do so many things, I plan the set list or the Sunday list, I plan the practices, I sort out the songs and I also practice with the band separately and then I also then practice with worship team and I give them direction and a plan of execution. Even at times showing them what might happen and thing we might change. I actually lead the proceedings of worship in the church and in other service plus I train all the singers and musicians that stand on the altar. 2.        The Pastor – the man that we always forget, he might have a heavenly voice or is the ...

Flowing with the Holy Spirit in Worship

Worship leading is a huge and amazing respons ibility in life and I pray that we do it with all our heart, mind and life. Our mandate as worship leaders is to carry people to the throne, bringing people   to that place where they meet with God face to face. Every person has a certain way that there live their life, that’s kinda the idea of what flow is all about. Every person has a way they lead no matter how many people in a worship team or choir we all can’t do what our neighbor can do. So as a worshipper you have a certain flow, a certain way that you consciously or subconsciously worship in.  Flow is also the way we move from one song to the next, how you move people from praise into worship, how you lead people from prayer to song. All those traits are part of flow.  The first thing I was taught when I became a part of the choir was “you cannot lead people to a place that you have never been”.   Driving people into an area you have never ...

The Need For Worship Encounters

This week I watched an old king movie with 5 tribe and clan leaders fighting for the throne of the king in that kingdom, some were legitimate others were not but what got me thinking is that a lot of the troubles, challenges and problems depicted in the movie are pretty much still being faced in today society. Walk in the streets of your city, area, neighbourhood and look at the faces of the people. Those faces tell you a lot of things, challenges, problems, many are in pain, sickness, setbacks, marital problems, uncertainty, anger, family troubles, and career challenges and there is a lot of uncertainty as well. All these things are carried by the people and some have learnt how to control themselves, some are stung beyond repair, some are just hanging and others have just given up. Others blame God, others will tell you they are reaping the mistakes of their lives and many others are just clueless and in this all. This is the exact state of the people that walk into our...

Worship: The Glory Of God

The glory of the Lord is what we live for, to bring him glory. In old English they would say glory is to ascribe or give back the honour and splendor to him who deserves it. Glory in Hebrew and Greek speaks of splendor, light, rarity, honour beauty and abundance.  God is already full of glory (honour, power, majesty, rarity) and there is nothing we can do to change it. He already receives perfect worship from all angels and heavenly beings. We can not change that and we can’t subtract from that, He remains God but glorifying God is the essence of our lives. “For thou hast made him a little lower than the angels, and hast crowned him with glory and honour”, Psalms 8:5 KJV This glory within us that has been crowned upon man is what causes people like Jay Z to call themselves Jehovah. It is that glory within man that causes many to seek after themselves and not God. “That no flesh should glory in his presence”, Corinthians 1:29 God spoke about it that we shouldn’...

Characteristics Of A Worshipper

Being a child of God and being called a Christian qualifies a person to be a worshipper, whether you have a sweet voice or a horsey voice, whether you can dance or you have CRD (Caucasian Rhythm Disorder) in God’s books you qualify as a worshipper. The name of a person reveals their character and the quality of worship reveals the character of a worshipper . Just like the names of God reveal his character and a worshipper is known his or her character. Characteristics of a Worshipper Brokenness and Humility   “ The sacrifices of God are a broken spirit: a broken and a contrite heart, O God, thou wilt not despise” Psalms 51:17  “The LORD is nigh (near) unto them that are of a broken heart; and saveth such as be of a contrite spirit” Psalms 34:18 “Because your heart was tender, and thou didst humble thyself before God, when thou heard his words against this place, and against the inhabitants thereof, and humbled thyself before me, and didst rend thy clot...

The Worship Musician’s Guide to Flowing In the Spirit On Your Instrument

This is a post by David Santistevan. taken from The idea of flowing in the Spirit can be a turn-off to many. We’ve seen enough crazies to know we don’t want to be “that guy.” The problem is that worship isn’t simply a performance of worship songs. It’s participation in the living, ever-present, life-changing presence of God. Yea, that changes things. Want to know the truth? God is moving every service. He is calling, drawing, awakening, and saving all the time. But if you’re unaware as a worship team musician, you can distract rather than contribute. Why Flow? The value of “flowing in the Spirit” is based on the truth that God is in the room. This isn’t just songs. This isn’t just fellowship. This isn’t just preaching. This is encounter. And as a worship team, we need to be ready to go where God is taking people. He is the true worship leader and we work together to see His Kingdom come and His will done in our ...