
Showing posts with the label Levitical worship

The Difference Between A Worship Leader and An Artist

Sometimes I hate to lead worship. Why? Because nobody cares. Nobody. cares. And that’s actually a very good thing. Nobody cares about the songs you wrote. Nobody cares about your flawless musical arrangements. Nobody cares about how you look. Nobody cares how much you know. Nobody cares how many mistakes you make. What do people care about? They care about connecting with Jesus. They care about finding their purpose. They care about the peace of God. They care about knowing and believing the truth. They care about their lives being a part of something bigger. That’s the difference between an artist building a fanbase and a worship leader serving a community. It’s a different skill set. It’s a different goal. An artist grows a fanbase. A worship leader grows worshipers. An artist obsesses over their art. A worship leaders obsesses over the Kingdom. An artist sings songs. A worship leader groans with desperation for Jesus. An artist performs. A worship l...

Dont Despise Your Past

It’s All In The Past...  Basically modern day worship is what it today because of one man, Kind David. The man whom God considers to be a man after his heart but the very same man was a sinner on a grand level, God looked past that and still loved him.  David was Was born out of wedlock - David wasn't a legitimate child because he wasn't recognized as son by his father Jesse No kingly right - David had no right to the throne he wasn't Jonathan brother or even any Saul's sons. He had no right to be king whatsoever or any birthright No Levitical or priestly background or training. A Shepherd boy - the son of Jesse was a Shepherd and used to start far away from home tending sheep which weren't many.   His brothers say to him “whom have you left with those few sheep” A Cast away from family - his family had no regard for him and they looked down upon him. David slew Goliath, he won battles, became King, won more battles and he organized Israel...

The Ignorant Worshipper Part 1

Every king has glory and honour is honored in a big way, Prince Charles or the Queen of England are honored in a certain way and if that’s the case why don’t we honour do the same and when we worship God, we see him as a friend and we honor Him ignorantly but He is King and Lord, the Lord who is in charge of armies and hosts. We don’t even honour Him like the way we honour and respect the Queen of England.   “ And those servants went out into the highways, and gathered together all as many as they found, both bad and good: and the wedding was filled with guests. But when the king came in to behold the guests, he saw there a man who had not on a wedding-garment: and he saith unto him, Friend, how camest thou in hither not having a wedding-garment? And he was speechless. Then the king said to the servants, Bind him hand and foot, and cast him out into the outer darkness; there shall be the weeping and the gnashing of teeth ”. Matthew 22:10-13. Being an ignorant worship...

2 Things To Consider When Worship Leading With The Band.

Worship transcend beyond lyrics, words, notes or chords it’s a meeting place for God and man, it’s a place of man encountering God’s love and goodness. Music is one vehicle that will help us connect and engage with God and in different churches and denominations there is a variety of genres of music in their worship.  King David introduced worship with instruments on a large scale when he institutionalized worship in Israel with the arrival of the ark and the tabernacle of God. Levites where set aside by King David and the priest to be singers, porters, instrument player and help priests in sacrifices. All Levites where divided by family and lineage to do specific tasks.   “ David chose 4000 musicians from the 38,000 Levies in his reign, or one in ten of the whole tribe. Of these musicians, 288 were specially trained and skillful. 1 Chronicles_26:6-7 . The whole number was divided into 24 courses, each of which would, thus, consist of a full band of 154 musici...