
Showing posts with the label Sunday worship

Why Worship Wars Wont Work

We are busy killing each other in the churches which type of worship or music should be the one that is acceptable and does it fit the right in to the doctrine of the church and the founding fathers of the ministry. I have realized that God receives all offering and sacrifices but what is important is does your sacrifice bring glory to God? Instead of us fighting and causing churches to split because we are not agreeing with everyone why can’t we not spend our time in asking the Lord the manner in which He wants us to worship him. We all cannot be like Hillsong, the huge Mississippi Mass Choir or Planet Shakers or Donnie Mclurkin but one thing that’s for sure is that we should strive to bring glory to the Lord. Remember what we want is not what God wants. “ This is the thing which the LORD commanded that ye should do: and the glory of the LORD shall appear unto you ”, Leviticus 9:6. It’s not about fighting which genre of music should accompany our worship but the focus of...

Leading A Diverse Congregation Of People.

The Diversity we are talking today is not of racial colour, ethnicity nor of culture we are talking of diversity of the reasons why we come to church.  Not everyone comes to church for the Lord, Not all of us are so super-duper spiritual we are all at different stages in life and our walk with the Saviour. Some come to chill out, nothing to do at home, some come to see friends, some are forced, some are facing challenges, some are just escaping life, some for the music alone, some for the word, some need that touch from God, some are just so hungry, some are burnt out and need rest and renewal, some need a semblance of Christ in their lives and just need to be identified with a religion.  A little confession goes a long way when I came to church whilst I was in my youth was because me and my friends were told that they was quite a number of nice girls and hence we went to church and now it’s a total different story. So here you are walking on the altar, sta...