The Trust Challenge, Something To Think About..

Happy New Year Worshippers 2014 has started and it’s going to be an interesting year but you know as most people are on or have just finished a fast and people are seeking the face of the Lord in this season and it’s an important thing to do but my prayer is may we carry the very same heart as the 2014 curtains start closing. It’s easy to shout, sing and declare what the year will be and it’s not that easy to live everyday of it. A couple of days ago I was listening to a song by KJ Scriven called “I Will Trust ” I started to think upon the song and I realized that a lot of the songs I love that are on my playlist have to do with trust. I realized that I love and I listen to a lot of songs about trusting in the Lord. Trusting the Lord is not an easy thing, I haven’t even scratched a part of trusting the Lord, let alone have faith in God. I asked myself a question if I say I trust in God then why doesn’t God do what He wants in my life, if I trust Him ...