The Spirit: Is Life of a Worshipper

It doesn’t matter what instrument you play or what song you sing or that you stand at the back of the row and people don’t recognize you. The bible says out of the abundance of the heart the mouth speaks and as a worshipper if your heart and life is full of his spirit then however you minister you minister out the spirit with which you are full off As a worshipper leading a choir or a church into God whatever you condition that you have will be carried into the crowd. If there is lethargy in your spirit that condition is forwarded into the people, you give what you carry. If we can sing, speak or serve or do all we do by the spirit we are giving God an opportunity to create life because the spirit creates life wherever it goes. Jesus said “the words that I speak unto you, they are spirit, and they are life”. John 6:63 . If we all our ministry, songs, bible studies, homes are full of the spirit then the life of God is dispensed into people’s lives...