Admiration! Totally Lost in Worship
Worship is giving, offering, presenting glory, honour, majesty, power and worth to Him who seats on the throne and this is done in various ways. One would use music, one could serve God, one would minister to God, surrender his or her life towards God, one would kneel, one would dance and one would live his life consecrated for God. There are many ways to express our worship. Worship starts from the heart and we use whatever we have to express it to God. Today when I read this scripture in Ezekiel 46, it took me aback and this came out of this scripture. “And thou shalt daily offer a burnt-offering unto Jehovah, of a yearling-lamb without blemish: thou shalt prepare it morning by morning” , Ezekiel 46: 13. Basically hear God is instructing Israel that they offer a lamb which a year old every morning of their lives to God. Theologists agree that on this chapter God did not demand an evening sacrifice as he had done in the past. Sacrifices in the Old Testament were mostl...