
Showing posts with the label confession

Preparing For A Move Of God: Part 2 - Power Over Sin

As worshippers our desire and heart is to see the move of God, is to see people connect and fall in love with God. To see mankind basking in his presence and God touching people's hearts and he in turn dwelling on our praises. We shouldn't be driven by comments about how we did or played or how well we executed the new song more than being focused on hearing God and bringing people to his feet. It's easy to be in a crew, dance troupe, band or choir and hide away in it but when it comes to worship time before God you are standing alone before him alone. Not with anyone else but just alone. There is this one thing that you get to see happen when we take our time and invest in knowing the word of God and not just knowing the word but understanding its impact in our lives all around.   The manual we have says this, "Now ye are clean through the word which I have spoken unto you", John 15: 3. As we read the word of God it makes us clean by the washing that com...

Worship: Battle Strategies....

Scene of World War II Battle Front A war is a sustained fight between two armed groups of people and then a battle is those areas or places that are fought in the duration of the war. I have heard this saying, the devil won this battle but he hasn’t won the war. Our war is with devil always but in the duration of that war they are smaller battles that we fight every day in our lives and our lives as worshipers whether dancers, mimes, singers, painters or musicians.     Yes we are, yes we are in a war, war within and war on the outside, battle never stops raging day and night. It actually gets hotter with each day and sometimes we fumble on how we do things, at times we lose sight of what God is doing but we also win some battles. Every battle or war has a strategy that is implored in winning that battle and It’s not always about firepower that wins the battle but strategy. Looking in the word we start with Israelites ready to conquer Jericho but God tells them t...

The Effect of Sin On Our Worship

Psalm 51: 2-3 Wash me thoroughly from mine iniquity, and cleanse me from my sin. For I acknowledge my transgressions: and my sin is ever before me. The centre of human life is the heart and this same heart is the same source of our worship. The heart is the heart of human existence. An unclean source of water gives out unclean water and its the same with our hearts. Think about it, why does God keep pressing that we live our lives for Him.  Worship is the best place for us to know him and create a relationship with him through the Holy Spirit. God wants us to experience his presence always and sin inhibits us from the place. Sin and iniquity are sent to attack the source of our worship, the heart, to taint it and destroy everything in the  path. You find David crying out his heart to God create in me a clean heart and renew our spirit oh God, so that what had suffocated because of sin and iniquity may come alive. So many times we sweep sin under the carp...