
Showing posts with the label heart

Preparing For A Move Of God: Part 3 The Power of Life

We are living in era and season when men are just existing, there is so much coming against him especially the life of the Christian on a daily basis and that’s the reason why He is crushed beyond words. People walk into church services, conferences and concerts the still leave the same but we claim that Christ offers solutions. When you hear people such they are giving up on God, as Worshippers we have missed a huge part of our purpose and reason for existence. We are carriers of the ark of the covenant (glory of God) and we have stashed it somewhere away from the church to experience the presence of God because we ourselves have become dull and lifeless. If we are going to see a move of God coming through our time and generation then the we need to move to a place where a scripture like John 6:63 speaks of "It is the spirit that quickeneth; the flesh profiteth nothing: the words that I speak unto you, they are spirit, and they are life". If we believe such passages of sc...

The Effect of Sin On The Heart Of A Worshipper

The centre of human life is the heart and this same heart is the same source of our worship. The heart is the heart of human existence. An unclean source of water gives out unclean water and its the same with our hearts.  Think about it, why does God keep pressing that we live our lives for Him.  Worship is the best place for us to know him and create a relationship with him through the Holy Spirit.  God wants us to experience his presence always and sin inhibits us from the place. Sin and iniquity are sent to attack the source of our worship, the heart, to taint it and destroy everything in the  path. You find David crying out his heart to God create in me a clean heart and renew our spirit oh God, so that what had suffocated because of sin and iniquity may come alive. So many times we sweep sin under the carpet and we choose not deal with it. We have to learn to deal with sin as soon as it arises, why? The Effect of Sin On The Heart 1. Festers and Grow- sin is like...

The Heart, the Mouth and the Worship

So many times we are fighting a lot amongst ourselves what is the best genre or music loops to use for our denominations some call it worship wars. Today let’s look at our own inner and individual worship wars. The heart, the mouth and the worship The heart It’s difficult to say which is the best body part or organ but the heart takes the crown for me, it does unimaginable job. But the heart is the core of everything, it’s the core of Christianity and it’s the core of our worship.  The mouth Of all body parts the mouth is one of the most amazing body parts that we have been given. Like James says “ James 3:10 Out of the same mouth proceedeth blessing and cursing. My brethren, these things ought not so to be ”. The mouth is the last first part of the creative process and God spoke the word and it was, our mouth declare what has and is to be.   What does this have to do with Worship ? Someone once said Worship is reminding God who says He says i...

Rending Our Hearts For Worship

" And rend your heart, and not your garments, and turn unto the Lord your God", Joel 2:13  (KJV) This is a scripture spoken to Israel in a time when they had grown complacent,  became familiar with God & sin had filled their hearts. At a season where people where willing to show religion and not have a personal relationship with him, at a time when people would rather be seen religious (living the part) Rend your heart means to tear apart your heart, living in a  broken state, humbled state, a surrendered heart. We have to abase ourselves. We have to work on our humility...  What God looked for wasn't a show at this stage God looked for hearts that focused on Him, God was looking for exterior worship he was looking for depth in their worship.  Israel had come to a place where their hearts where cold and their actions and worship preceded out of the coldness of their hearts. How many people in the world including some in our churches are living such a life....

Leading A Diverse Congregation Of People.

The Diversity we are talking today is not of racial colour, ethnicity nor of culture we are talking of diversity of the reasons why we come to church.  Not everyone comes to church for the Lord, Not all of us are so super-duper spiritual we are all at different stages in life and our walk with the Saviour. Some come to chill out, nothing to do at home, some come to see friends, some are forced, some are facing challenges, some are just escaping life, some for the music alone, some for the word, some need that touch from God, some are just so hungry, some are burnt out and need rest and renewal, some need a semblance of Christ in their lives and just need to be identified with a religion.  A little confession goes a long way when I came to church whilst I was in my youth was because me and my friends were told that they was quite a number of nice girls and hence we went to church and now it’s a total different story. So here you are walking on the altar, sta...

Characteristics Of A Worshipper

Being a child of God and being called a Christian qualifies a person to be a worshipper, whether you have a sweet voice or a horsey voice, whether you can dance or you have CRD (Caucasian Rhythm Disorder) in God’s books you qualify as a worshipper. The name of a person reveals their character and the quality of worship reveals the character of a worshipper . Just like the names of God reveal his character and a worshipper is known his or her character. Characteristics of a Worshipper Brokenness and Humility “ The sacrifices of God are a broken spirit: a broken and a contrite heart, O God, thou wilt not despise” Psalms 51:17   “The LORD is nigh (near) unto them that are of a broken heart; and saveth such as be of a contrite spirit” Psalms 34:18 “Because your heart was tender, and thou didst humble thyself before God, when thou heard his words against this place, and against the inhabitants thereof, and humbled thyself before me, and didst rend thy ...

Why Obedience Is Worship

Obedience according to the Sage Dictionary is the act of obeying, dutiful or submissive with respect to someone else. It is a characteristic that we have to learn on our own, someone said God is always talking what He is looking for is just a willing life to listen and do. “And Samuel said, Hath the LORD as great delight in burnt offerings and sacrifices, as in obeying the voice of the LORD? Behold, to obey is better than sacrifice, and to hearken than the fat of rams”, 1Samuel 15:22 . God basically states that he is pleased by just listening and doing his bidding as and when He requires us. The principle of First Mention explains the word in question and the first time the word Worship was used in scriptures was in Genesis 22:15 “ And Abraham said unto his young men, Abide ye here with the ass; and I and the lad will go yonder and worship, and come again to you ” the word “worship” in this verse spoke of SACRIFICE and OBEDIENCE and not music or dancing or anything we ...

Created for Worship

Man didn’t fall from the sky neither did he develop from a monkey, what makes you so sure that we developed from a monkey? Man was created by God in his image and likeness not only to take dominion, subdue and multiply but He was also created to worship God alone and to give him all the glory. What God is looking for is communion with men, “ And they heard the voice of the LORD God walking in the garden in the cool of the day and Adam and his wife hid themselves from the presence of the LORD God amongst the trees of the garden”, Genesis 3:8 KJV. What God looked for was communion and fellowship with Adam and Eve, he would come everyday and take time with them. God still wants that and He wants that with you. What else do you think Jesus did on the cross, just to triumph over the devil alone?   He ripped the curtain into two to allow man, access to God and his presence. God wants us to enjoy, enjoy his presence and his beauty as his children. ...