
Showing posts with the label Worship and Jesus

Who is the Boss Oh! Worship Leader?

So many times we get used to doing something that we become familiar with it and we don’t hold it in high esteem. So many times as worship leaders we are used to olanning the set, people looking to us for direction, planning this and that and we then forget or get familiar with it that we forget the who is in charge. 1.        Me - Truth is as the worship leader I do so many things, I plan the set list or the Sunday list, I plan the practices, I sort out the songs and I also practice with the band separately and then I also then practice with worship team and I give them direction and a plan of execution. Even at times showing them what might happen and thing we might change. I actually lead the proceedings of worship in the church and in other service plus I train all the singers and musicians that stand on the altar. 2.        The Pastor – the man that we always forget, he might have a heavenly voice or is the ...

Worship: The Glory Of God

The glory of the Lord is what we live for, to bring him glory. In old English they would say glory is to ascribe or give back the honour and splendor to him who deserves it. Glory in Hebrew and Greek speaks of splendor, light, rarity, honour beauty and abundance.  God is already full of glory (honour, power, majesty, rarity) and there is nothing we can do to change it. He already receives perfect worship from all angels and heavenly beings. We can not change that and we can’t subtract from that, He remains God but glorifying God is the essence of our lives. “For thou hast made him a little lower than the angels, and hast crowned him with glory and honour”, Psalms 8:5 KJV This glory within us that has been crowned upon man is what causes people like Jay Z to call themselves Jehovah. It is that glory within man that causes many to seek after themselves and not God. “That no flesh should glory in his presence”, Corinthians 1:29 God spoke about it that we shouldn’...

The Place of Fear and Reverence in Worship

The idea of worship is that one prostrates himself before a superior being with an attitude of awe, respect, honour and homage. It is amazing the things that can be unlocked just through reverence. “Let us worship with reverence and awe for our God is a consuming fire”. Hebrews 12:29 Reverence means to show respect or fear, a common way in Israel to show reverence was “falling down,” “lying on the ground facedown” as prostration of the body showing that the one you bow to is superior to you. Fear is a regard with feelings of respect and reverence or considering hallowed or exalted or be in awe of and the word simply states that “ The fear of the LORD is to hate evil” Proverbs 8:13 . Fear of the Lord is living a life which not only hates but is free of sin. God is God and we are to worship God with our hearts and our spirits full and overflowing with the fear of the Lord. God is friend and a Father but when we come to worship shall we still worship Him as friend or...

Prepared to Worship

  Always ask yourself am I prepared to Worship God anytime, anyplace, anywhere? When we worship our minds think about God, we offer ourselves to Him our emotions and we open our hearts with our bodies expressing to all this by actions. Which means that worship is not just a mouth but it’s about your spirit, soul and body all focused to lift up his name. If you check yourself and see that you are missing one part then there is something you need to work on. When you are a part of the worship given to God then we have to get prepared for this work all time. Israel was always told in advance to get prepared to the appearance or manifestation of God on the mountain. Their preparation in Exodus 19:10, 14-15 wasn’t just a spiritual act but it was physical act. Israel had 3 big festivals (f east of unleavened bread, the feast of weeks and the feast of tabernacles ) every year which they conducted and honoured of which worship was the central part of it. Worship in Israe...

Who or What Directs Worship?

The question, Who or what Directs Worship Ever thought of it, Is it the metronome, the beat, kick drum, the singer, the choir  If not then what drives worship  Worship is not about you and your needs, it isn’t about how we feel or have an idea about but it should be a place where God is lifted up the way he wants. Worship was set by God to be a place where we commune with God, enjoy his presence and also to become more like God because when we spent more time in his presence we become more like Him.     “Most of the times we choose the way we want to worship God”. “The key to worshipping God is the God you worship” Pst Bonnie Deushcle “The ways and means of worship depends merely on God’s sovereign pleasure and institution”. Worship should be a way which God’s will is done through your life, it’s not for us worshippers to dictate worship, how it is given and all the other details. We have built worship to match our taste, likes and t...

Worshipping With Jesus

Our lives and worship should be offered though Jesus Christ, He just like the Holy Spirit know how to get into the presence of God and stand with our offering before the father. In our worship let it start from our hearts, with the help of the Holy Spirit through Jesus then will our worship be acceptable before God. “Worship is sealed and concretized by the blood of Jesus” “The worship of God through Jesus Christ lies at the heart of all Christian expressions” Jesus in the Lion of the Tribe of Judah in Hebrew language “Y” and “J” are the same so the root word for Judah is “Yadah”. Yadah is a Greek word which is translated Praise so Jesus is the Lion of the tribe of Praise. Christ is worthy to be praised. So far its theological our heads are spinning now lets turn to what the word say about our worship and Christ.  “For we are the circumcision who worship God in the spirit and rejoice in Christ Jesus” Philippians 3:3 “By Him, then, let us offer the sacrifice o...