
Showing posts with the label ignorant worship

Worship Is and Can Be Dangerous Part 4

Worship is and can be dangerous to everyone around you especially if it is bounces from heaven. We have to take time to learn how to handle a knife before we can use it. Worship is a great blessing to the body of Christ as it allows us direct access to the throne room anytime of the day but it can also destroy us if handled wrongly just like knife. Today we start in 1 Samuel 13 where we meet King Saul facing war with the Philistines and they set a very huge army “thirty thousand chariots, and six thousand horsemen, and people were like the sand which was on the sea shore in multitude”. Saul brought all Israel to the war ground, so that they could fight with the Philistines, one huge problem was that Israel was in terror and was frightened of the huge Philistines army that was against them. “And he tarried seven days, according to the set time that Samuel had appointed: but Samuel came not to Gilgal; and the people were scattered from him. And Saul said, Bring hithe...

Worship Is and Can Be Dangerous Part 3

In Genesis 4 we meet the two sons of Adam and Eve, Cain and Abel, this story hasn’t set well with me and it sill is. God brought me to a certain revelation about how serious he is about worship and its still bringing a lot of elements out of it and I pray that God may reveal to you more about this chapter beyond what he has revealed to me so far. “One has to dig into the heart attitude, what God requires from you, not what you feel like doing for Him” Wilhelm Olivier Cain was the 1 st born son of Adam and Eve and he was a farmer or agriculturalist, the bible say he was a was a tiller of the ground. Cain brought to God an offering which was from the fruit of the ground   Abel was the 2 nd son of Adam and Eve and was a keeper of sheep in simple terms he was a rancher, He was the younger brother to Cain and Abel also brought of the firstlings of his flock and of the fat thereof.   It all starts with Cain and Abel bringing an offering before God and the...

4 Types of Worship

  Worship is one gift given to mankind that allows him to connect up with the divine presence of God, Worship allows us access to Him and his presence. Most people want to focus on what worship is and isn’t, today our focus is to look at the types of worship. Worship comes in so many forms and we not looking at which one is correct but we are looking at the various types 1.         Vain worship “ But in vain do they worship me, teaching as their doctrines the precepts of men ”.   Mark 7:7. Vain according to the Oxford Dictionary says use someone’s name in a way that shows a lack of respect for example “ take someone's name in vain ”. It’s easy to come to a place where we no longer reverence or honour the name of God and we do all we do professing that we are worshipping God and we don’t even have any idea of what we are doing. It’s easy to worship God and not mean it, your heart and mind are not in it but your body is presen...