Worship: Living In The Frontline Ministry

In the army the frontline is where the battle is always raging and hot, In World War 1 & 2 they were battle areas where for days there was constant fighting and always planning how to advance against his enemy’s frontline. Being a part of the worship is like being in front line always fighting. One of my friends said that I can judge the depth of a church by the presentation and quality of their frontline ministry. A worship team, choir, musicians, dancers, banners, painters and mimes are all part of the frontline ministry. Mostly people rarely get to see your tongue but they can clearly see your teeth because they are in the front, just what a worship team is like. The battle is raging at all fronts on the altar/stage and hotter during the week, Worship and praise is like a plough that prepares the fallow ground, it ploughs through the hardship and uncertain times that men go through. Our battle is not a physical one but is a spiritual battle, the fight...