
Showing posts with the label directed worship

“Clean Break For Me The Worshipper”

God is calling us to a specific place where we shall live and abide, where we shall get to enjoy his promises and blessings and commanded blessings. Dear friends, let's make a clean break with everything that defiles or distracts us, both within and without. “Having therefore these promises, dearly beloved, let us cleanse ourselves from all filthiness of the flesh and spirit, perfecting holiness in the fear of God”. 2 Corinthians 7:1 KJV   Courtesy of May we choose to remove ourselves from the things that easily entangle us, "Let us cleanse ourselves" this cleansing or detox isn't meant for God. It's meant to be done by us. Take a look at your life. Think of the things that you need to separate yourself from and let’s live Holy for God. Before we can grab ahold of these let's make our entire walk into a place of where we are clean and holy temples for the glory of God. Let us press delete to some of our relationships, ways o...

The Life of a Worship Leader

My story before we go any further, I am part of an amazing 70 plus member choir for close to 5 years now and I also play percussion in the band. In my second year in the choir not even a vocalist or would be able to get close to being a background vocalist or even lead the choir in song devotions. I went to small little church and when they heard that I was from the big choir and they said help us teach us to that which you know and before I knew it they appointed me to be a worship leader in their interdenominational gathering. You must be asking, what’s your point? You might just be a singer in a huge choir or small choir it  doesn't  matter there is a day when you lead people in worship, so let’s start learning worship leading. Whether you are a worship leader, singer, ordinary person, musician or whatever, we need to learn and know how to lead people into the presence of God. In this series we are going to be looking at things that Worship leader wo...

Worshipping Without Words and Music

When one speaks about worship beyond just singing and music, people tend to squirm. The question I kept looking for in the word of God was “is there worship beyond singing and music”. Worship in the word of God is shown that it goes beyond words. Worship  isn't  an act but it so a lifestyle and a daily experience that one lives every day. Our lives are sometimes a mystery but the greatest gift we have been given is worship. Fruit is one way that we can worship without words and the bible declares it very clearly “By him therefore let us offer the sacrifice of praise to God continually, that is, the fruit of our lips giving thanks to his name”. Hebrew 13:15. Our lips have fruit, our words have results. Our lips have produce that is attached to them when we speak. God says in Isaiah my words shall not come back to me void but shall complete everything that I have sent them to do. The words we speak today have fruit, in our mouth there is God ordained power to name an...

Worship: The Glory Of God

The glory of the Lord is what we live for, to bring him glory. In old English they would say glory is to ascribe or give back the honour and splendor to him who deserves it. Glory in Hebrew and Greek speaks of splendor, light, rarity, honour beauty and abundance.  God is already full of glory (honour, power, majesty, rarity) and there is nothing we can do to change it. He already receives perfect worship from all angels and heavenly beings. We can not change that and we can’t subtract from that, He remains God but glorifying God is the essence of our lives. “For thou hast made him a little lower than the angels, and hast crowned him with glory and honour”, Psalms 8:5 KJV This glory within us that has been crowned upon man is what causes people like Jay Z to call themselves Jehovah. It is that glory within man that causes many to seek after themselves and not God. “That no flesh should glory in his presence”, Corinthians 1:29 God spoke about it that we shouldn’...

Worship, Unforgiveness and Sin. The Challenge!

 “Who shall ascend into the hill of the LORD? or who shall stand in his holy place, He that hath clean hands, and a pure heart; who hath not lifted up his soul unto vanity, nor sworn deceitfully”, Psalms 24:3  Worship is the vehicle that is at the centre of God and it should be at the centre of our lives also. God doesn't want men standing before Him and worshipping Him but carrying unforgiven sin and unforgiveness full in our lives. The bible tells us that God hates the sin in man, God doesn't hate the men and when we touch God with our worship He inturns touches us with love as well but if we are to exalt him the bible tells us to do it with clean hands and a pure heart. The bible speaks of a man who comes to sacrifice and realises that he wronged his brother and Jesus says leave your offering by the altar, go back and reconcile with your brother. God doesn't want man to stand and sacrifice to Him with sin and unfo...

Who or What Directs Worship?

The question, Who or what Directs Worship Ever thought of it, Is it the metronome, the beat, kick drum, the singer, the choir  If not then what drives worship  Worship is not about you and your needs, it isn’t about how we feel or have an idea about but it should be a place where God is lifted up the way he wants. Worship was set by God to be a place where we commune with God, enjoy his presence and also to become more like God because when we spent more time in his presence we become more like Him.     “Most of the times we choose the way we want to worship God”. “The key to worshipping God is the God you worship” Pst Bonnie Deushcle “The ways and means of worship depends merely on God’s sovereign pleasure and institution”. Worship should be a way which God’s will is done through your life, it’s not for us worshippers to dictate worship, how it is given and all the other details. We have built worship to match our taste, likes and t...