Strings Attached Worship

Arm Twist Worship and Worshipping for a breakthrough or worshipping without string attached out of love, no obligations. God knows all our desire before we even ask for them in prayer, even in fasting and I always says that it is better to come before the Lord and worship Him out of the abundance of your heart and not hold back. Arm Twist worship as I call it, is when we worship the Lord because we need deliverance, I worship the Lord big time when I need something to from Him. Those that live in an attitude of worship don’t even need to ask all they do is lift their hands, mouths and hearts and just declare the Lord and before they are done whatever they desired in their hearts that Lord would have fulfilled. This is the heart that I have always carried that it’s better to be in a place where it’s not an obligation to worship the Lord but that it’s an opportunity well given, it wasn’t the same when I read these scriptures: “Then came to him the moth...