
Showing posts with the label simplicity in worship

Why We Shout For Joy or Offer A Joyful Noise..

To utter a sudden and loud outcry, usually in joy, triumph or exultation, A loud burst of voice or voices Shout and Joyful Noise come from the same Hebrew root word which is “Rua” and it means to shout figuratively means to split the ears ( with sound) raise a sound or blow an alarm a cry out, give a blast Shouting or a Joyful Noise is not a timid whisper, I’m shouting in my heart. It’s an explosive joyful noise to God! It goes beyond a small voice or loud voice it’s actually loud for a reason. The meaning for a shout and also for a joyful noise are the same that I feel they can be used interchangeably. Shouting was used to mean singing aloud and also to express victory in the bible like when the walls of Jericho. Shouting is also used to express a sudden joy and happiness it was used alarm or danger and this was later replaced with a trumpets and warning drums. One other use it was used for was a cry for help to the Lord.   “When the ar...

Flowing with the Holy Spirit in Worship

Worship leading is a huge and amazing respons ibility in life and I pray that we do it with all our heart, mind and life. Our mandate as worship leaders is to carry people to the throne, bringing people   to that place where they meet with God face to face. Every person has a certain way that there live their life, that’s kinda the idea of what flow is all about. Every person has a way they lead no matter how many people in a worship team or choir we all can’t do what our neighbor can do. So as a worshipper you have a certain flow, a certain way that you consciously or subconsciously worship in.  Flow is also the way we move from one song to the next, how you move people from praise into worship, how you lead people from prayer to song. All those traits are part of flow.  The first thing I was taught when I became a part of the choir was “you cannot lead people to a place that you have never been”.   Driving people into an area you have never ...

Created for Worship

Man didn’t fall from the sky neither did he develop from a monkey, what makes you so sure that we developed from a monkey? Man was created by God in his image and likeness not only to take dominion, subdue and multiply but He was also created to worship God alone and to give him all the glory. What God is looking for is communion with men, “ And they heard the voice of the LORD God walking in the garden in the cool of the day and Adam and his wife hid themselves from the presence of the LORD God amongst the trees of the garden”, Genesis 3:8 KJV. What God looked for was communion and fellowship with Adam and Eve, he would come everyday and take time with them. God still wants that and He wants that with you. What else do you think Jesus did on the cross, just to triumph over the devil alone?   He ripped the curtain into two to allow man, access to God and his presence. God wants us to enjoy, enjoy his presence and his beauty as his children. ...

Worship Lessons From A Bush Church

I attended a rural church service a couple of weeks ago in Mozambique and it was an interesting. I come from church where I play percussion and in our church we have 2 500 people attending service on a Sunday morning, air conditioning with comfortable seating and a huge band and choir with a an amazing sound system. So here I am in a church with 7 Men, 7 Women and about 30 kids dancing and worship with in a newly made pole and straw roofed sanctuary, with clear Mother Nature air con, no sound system and seating in benches and plastic chairs for us because we were guest, the women were seating on the ground on straw mats plus an African drum stick and shakers made from old metal cans. So in my eyes are 15 older people and a group of children singing, dancing, and ululating with huge smiles on their faces. A dust rising as they danced and sung to a drum and the metal shakers playing. When they started praying you can hear gratitude they had to God regardless of the few thing...