The Decline Of A Worshipper

Worship calls not for an outward show or lip service but an inbuilt desire and passion which you express to Him in so many ways. Worship allows us to know God and connect with his presence in a deeper way. In the process of us worshipping God that he in turns adorns our lives with his glory and align us to his will and blessing. Such is not a 1hour programme, sporadic or regular routine but it is a lifestyle of worship that one daily lives and walks in. Worship in its nature requires certain characteristics from the worshipper, it sets a certain level of consecration and separation of the worshipper no matter who you are and what level you are. If you are a Worship Leader these characteristics of separation are to a certain level, a deeper one because of the office you would be holding. A lot of worship leaders that God has called, He separated them for his work and If you have just received your call in worship start working on these characteristics and qualities in your li...