
Showing posts with the label chiors

The Difference Between A Worship Leader and An Artist

Sometimes I hate to lead worship. Why? Because nobody cares. Nobody. cares. And that’s actually a very good thing. Nobody cares about the songs you wrote. Nobody cares about your flawless musical arrangements. Nobody cares about how you look. Nobody cares how much you know. Nobody cares how many mistakes you make. What do people care about? They care about connecting with Jesus. They care about finding their purpose. They care about the peace of God. They care about knowing and believing the truth. They care about their lives being a part of something bigger. That’s the difference between an artist building a fanbase and a worship leader serving a community. It’s a different skill set. It’s a different goal. An artist grows a fanbase. A worship leader grows worshipers. An artist obsesses over their art. A worship leaders obsesses over the Kingdom. An artist sings songs. A worship leader groans with desperation for Jesus. An artist performs. A worship l...

Who or What Directs Worship?

The question, Who or what Directs Worship Ever thought of it, Is it the metronome, the beat, kick drum, the singer, the choir  If not then what drives worship  Worship is not about you and your needs, it isn’t about how we feel or have an idea about but it should be a place where God is lifted up the way he wants. Worship was set by God to be a place where we commune with God, enjoy his presence and also to become more like God because when we spent more time in his presence we become more like Him.     “Most of the times we choose the way we want to worship God”. “The key to worshipping God is the God you worship” Pst Bonnie Deushcle “The ways and means of worship depends merely on God’s sovereign pleasure and institution”. Worship should be a way which God’s will is done through your life, it’s not for us worshippers to dictate worship, how it is given and all the other details. We have built worship to match our taste, likes and t...