Hearing God As A Worshipper

Don’t you have those kinds of friends and relatives who tell you amazing stories of their vision with the Lord Jesus or the dreams they had walking with Jesus or people who hear God’s voice and can see God in literary everything they walk in? Even the ones who see God in odd things, colors, incidences and they hear God speaking to them. You could be like me, I haven’t heard God’s audible voice or see him in a vision or trance, I try and read things and I usually fail and suck at those things. It is then asking the question is how do we hear God’s voice or train my ear to hear God’s voice because we always told God is always speaking we just not listening enough. How many have tried to listen and you heard nothing. You could be like me, I haven’t heard God’s audible voice or see him in a vision or trance, I try and read things and I usually fail and suck at those things. It is then asking the question is how do we hear God’s voice or train my ear to hear God’s vo...