
Showing posts with the label deep worship

“Clean Break For Me The Worshipper”

God is calling us to a specific place where we shall live and abide, where we shall get to enjoy his promises and blessings and commanded blessings. Dear friends, let's make a clean break with everything that defiles or distracts us, both within and without. “Having therefore these promises, dearly beloved, let us cleanse ourselves from all filthiness of the flesh and spirit, perfecting holiness in the fear of God”. 2 Corinthians 7:1 KJV   Courtesy of May we choose to remove ourselves from the things that easily entangle us, "Let us cleanse ourselves" this cleansing or detox isn't meant for God. It's meant to be done by us. Take a look at your life. Think of the things that you need to separate yourself from and let’s live Holy for God. Before we can grab ahold of these let's make our entire walk into a place of where we are clean and holy temples for the glory of God. Let us press delete to some of our relationships, ways o...

Shaking The Throne Room of God....

What moves God is worship. Look in the bible, looks at the stories written about the lives of the men of faith, their lives, their worship and sacrifices then God always responded to their worship. In today worship we now rate and measure God's response according to the number of goose bumps or chicken skin we feel when we are worshipping. What moves God is praise because it’s his very nature  What shakes the foundation of throne room is when men worship Him earnestly. We were created in the presence and likeness of God, every human being was created to worship because that is God’s very nature, Worship. Even Lucifer was created as a being of perfect worship hey say he oozed worship and that shows you that God is all about worship. His likeness is worship; He has no choice but to respond to worship any day any time. “ The LORD thy God in the midst of thee is mighty; he will save, he will rejoice over thee with joy; he will rest in his love, he will joy over th...

New Wine Skins, The New Things Of God...

This Article was done by a friend of mine Benjamin Sealey on his blog   Benjamin Sealey Blog “And no one pours new wine into old wine skins. Otherwise, the new wine will burst the skins; the wine will run out and the wine skins will be ruined.” (Luke 5:37.) I have often spoken about a new work that God wants to do with His church. The Holy Spirit wants to work amongst His people like never before. He is preparing His bride into a people who will no longer chase man, religion or our own d esires, but that will love Him, live in Him and walk in the reality of Him. This new movement is going to be the beginning of the end-time army, an army so beautiful, so unified, so selfless and so effective. We will miss the new that He is doing unless we become new wine skins. The wineskin in the parable is us, and everything that makes us who we are. It is our beliefs, our way of doing things, it is how we operate and walk as a people. If we want the new that God wants to p...

The Decline Of A Worshipper

Worship calls not for an outward show or lip service but an inbuilt desire and passion which you express to Him in so many ways. Worship allows us to know God and connect with his presence in a deeper way. In the process of us worshipping God that he in turns adorns our lives with his glory and align us to his will and blessing. Such is not a 1hour programme, sporadic or regular routine but it is a lifestyle of worship that one daily lives and walks in. Worship in its nature requires certain characteristics from the worshipper, it sets a certain level of consecration and separation of the worshipper no matter who you are and what level you are. If you are a Worship Leader these characteristics of separation are to a certain level, a deeper one because of the office you would be holding. A lot of worship leaders that God has called, He separated them for his work and If you have just received your call in worship start working on these characteristics and qualities in your li...

So You Call Yourself A Worshipper

Studying the books of Isaiah, Ezekiel, Revelations, Daniel and Job one thing that stood out was the detailed explanations of how these man of God had numerous encounters with God and in detail they explained how their whole experiences set a platform to know God from that place forward ad that revelation became the basis of their worship. God is a good God and the way that He appears to me and you is totally different especially determined by our level of comprehension of who He is and it’s true that we have not been all called in the same way but today we want to focus on your walk with Him by self introspection to gauge where we are. We are not comparing but looking from the start of our walk with Christ and our lives today. Questions To A Worshipper Is the presence of God (face of God) evident in your life    “And it came to pass, when Moses came down from Mount Sinai with the two tables of testimony in Moses' hand, when he came down from the mount, ...

The Life of a Worship Leader

My story before we go any further, I am part of an amazing 70 plus member choir for close to 5 years now and I also play percussion in the band. In my second year in the choir not even a vocalist or would be able to get close to being a background vocalist or even lead the choir in song devotions. I went to small little church and when they heard that I was from the big choir and they said help us teach us to that which you know and before I knew it they appointed me to be a worship leader in their interdenominational gathering. You must be asking, what’s your point? You might just be a singer in a huge choir or small choir it  doesn't  matter there is a day when you lead people in worship, so let’s start learning worship leading. Whether you are a worship leader, singer, ordinary person, musician or whatever, we need to learn and know how to lead people into the presence of God. In this series we are going to be looking at things that Worship leader wo...

The Need For Worship Encounters

This week I watched an old king movie with 5 tribe and clan leaders fighting for the throne of the king in that kingdom, some were legitimate others were not but what got me thinking is that a lot of the troubles, challenges and problems depicted in the movie are pretty much still being faced in today society. Walk in the streets of your city, area, neighbourhood and look at the faces of the people. Those faces tell you a lot of things, challenges, problems, many are in pain, sickness, setbacks, marital problems, uncertainty, anger, family troubles, and career challenges and there is a lot of uncertainty as well. All these things are carried by the people and some have learnt how to control themselves, some are stung beyond repair, some are just hanging and others have just given up. Others blame God, others will tell you they are reaping the mistakes of their lives and many others are just clueless and in this all. This is the exact state of the people that walk into our...

Admiration! Totally Lost in Worship

Worship is giving, offering, presenting glory, honour, majesty, power and worth to Him who seats on the throne and this is done in various ways. One would use music, one could serve God, one would minister to God, surrender his or her life towards God, one would kneel, one would dance and one would live his life consecrated for God. There are many ways to express our worship. Worship starts from the heart and we use whatever we have to express it to God. Today when I read this scripture in Ezekiel 46, it took me aback and this came out of this scripture. “And thou shalt daily offer a burnt-offering unto Jehovah, of a yearling-lamb without blemish: thou shalt prepare it morning by morning” , Ezekiel 46: 13. Basically hear God is instructing Israel that they offer a lamb which a year old every morning of their lives to God. Theologists agree that on this chapter God did not demand an evening sacrifice as he had done in the past. Sacrifices in the Old Testament were mostl...

Chasing After The Lord In Worship

In Judges 13 we meet the story of Samson’s birth when an angel came to announce the call of Samson upon Manoah’s wife. The Angel told her she was to conceive and bear a child and no razor would touch his head. She in turn told the Manoah about the visitation. Manoah was absent when the angelic visitation happened to his wife but regardless He chose to entreat (beseech, request for earnestly) God in his own place that the angel visits them again so that they can learn how to rear the child Samson in the manner that he should be brought up. The question is, how many of us are entreating (earnestly searching) the Lord to teach us worship,  Let alone lead us into worship the manner that he desires us to worship. Beyond Sunday are we chasing after God, beyond the four walls of church or mid-week services as worshippers do we have a relationship with the Lord. Worship is a lifestyle and daily experience and I know we are in a world full of things going on, but we need to grow beyond...

Worship is A Decision

Worship and Salvation are decisions that one has to make, no one makes the decision for you or sign on your behalf, they are all about you and God. God is looking to connect with men and especially with you. Men were created for fellowship with God and fellowship with God is one on one. “Worship is an internal attitude and action that focuses on God”. Anonymous Tithe blesses you, fasting makes your spirit sensitive to the Holy Spirit, offering and alms are added to your account, prayer allows you to withdraw your blessing kept for you by God. Worship is one lifestyle that causes God to stop, call a time out in Heaven, spin on his seat and take time to meet with you. Every time God came on earth or walked on earth what he was looking for was communion and fellowship with men, He would walk in the garden just to have fellowship with Adam and Eve.  In Genesis 11 God came down looking for communion with men and he found men building the Tower of Babel. God’s heart is ...