Who is the Boss Oh! Worship Leader?

So many times we get used to doing something that we become familiar with it and we don’t hold it in high esteem. So many times as worship leaders we are used to olanning the set, people looking to us for direction, planning this and that and we then forget or get familiar with it that we forget the who is in charge. 1. Me - Truth is as the worship leader I do so many things, I plan the set list or the Sunday list, I plan the practices, I sort out the songs and I also practice with the band separately and then I also then practice with worship team and I give them direction and a plan of execution. Even at times showing them what might happen and thing we might change. I actually lead the proceedings of worship in the church and in other service plus I train all the singers and musicians that stand on the altar. 2. The Pastor – the man that we always forget, he might have a heavenly voice or is the ...