
Showing posts with the label relationship with the Lord

Worship Is A Relationship, Its Just that Simple

Worship is a relationship between the worshipper and the God who is being worshipped and it requires only a man and God. It’s not about a group, church, congregation or anything its one man and one God, worship is the time that a person has with God. Someone can’t worship on your behalf but only you, you alone can have a relationship with God My Worship is an expression of my relationship with God “Worship is the relationship that touches God’s heart and in turn He infuses our hearts with passion and compassion”. Thomas Jefferson Worship is an invitation from God for man to worship Him, its not just a one way relationship but a two way relationship, its not just mankind loving on God but also God loving on the man. Worship isn’t a slave to master relationship but a relationship between a God and his children with love as the backbone, the focus is to get man to commune with God and enjoy the presence of God. In this relationship God is given pleasure by worship and mankind enj...

The Trust Challenge, Something To Think About Part 2

Trusting the Lord is not an easy thing, if we say we trust in God then why doesn’t God do what He wants in my life. How many people in the world said they trust God but we forget it all when things get tough and hard on the journey to where God is taking us? We have gotten so used to being in charge at life, family, work, ministry and letting all that go in a world that speaks of having it all, does Trusting the Lord stand a chance in your life?    “I’m going to issue you a challenge, Why not put your whole life in God’s hands, Why not trust him fully. I challenge you to give him full clearance to lead your life –every area of your life –until the point he proves himself to be trustworthy. At that moment you can bail out but until then give God total control. I challenge you to push the throttle as far as you can push it and live your life wide open to God and see where his way takes you. I have a feeling you will never regret it”  This is a passag...

The Trust Challenge, Something To Think About..

Happy New Year Worshippers 2014 has started and it’s going to be an interesting year but you know as most people are on or have just finished a fast and people are seeking the face of the Lord in this season and it’s an important thing to do but my prayer is may we carry the very same heart as the 2014 curtains start closing. It’s easy to shout, sing and declare what the year will be and it’s not that easy to live everyday of it.    A couple of days ago I was listening to a song by KJ Scriven called “I Will Trust ” I started to think upon the song and I realized that a lot of the songs I love that are on my playlist have to do with trust. I realized that I love and I listen to a lot of songs about trusting in the Lord.  Trusting the Lord is not an easy thing, I haven’t even scratched a part of trusting the Lord, let alone have faith in God. I asked myself a question if I say I trust in God then why doesn’t God do what He wants in my life, if I trust Him ...