Communion And Fellowship: What Its All About

Worship is lifting up the name of God in all splendor with everything we have in life, it’s not just a song you sing, worship is a lifestyle and daily experience not a 2hour Sunday recreation of taking off stress. Worship is what we were created to do, Isaiah 43:21 states “ This people have I formed for myself; they shall declare my praise ” When I talk of fellowship I am not talking of meeting with the brethren once or twice a week to have coffee, tea, biscuits, and a song plus discussing a chapter of the bible. When I talk of communion I am talking of taking the Lord’s Supper and the elements not am talking about the frequency we should take it. The bible sometimes uses these interchangeably because they basically speak of the same lifestyle. I am talking of a lifestyle of living and knowing God in an intimate way. Talking of not knowing God at 8am, 1pm or at 10pm when you sleep, only knowing during your prayer time and beyond that there isn’t anything. I speak of a l...