Choosing Songs For A Worship Session or A Songlist

Different places sing different songs, different churches use different genre of music or no music at all and its challenging as a worship leader because one thing that stands out in any place of worship are the songs of worship. A great worship leader is one who knows how to use worship songs to glorify God. It’s easy to stand in a room full of people and sing songs of worship and people either connect with them or people are baffled. It’s easy to choose songs that you know that anytime, any day you will “kill it” or you will deliver or we choose songs that won’t work. We get in frantic mode to pick the best songs everyone will like, that every church is doing, the ones on the radio or songs that make everyone jump. Then, when it comes time to lead worship, we sing through the same songs. Leading worship is about creating a platform for people to meet their maker; it’s about us fading into the background and God being visible. In order to lead, you must know ...