How To Stay Humble While Playing An Amazingly Anointed Solo As a teenager, I began to hear that my playing was anointed. At that age I’m not sure I knew what that meant, but I did believe I was using my gift for God’s glory. On one occasion, while warming up to play, someone told me they felt the anointing and was almost in tears. I responded that I was only practicing and that didn’t count. They simply replied by letting me know they couldn’t tell the difference. It was then that I realized that anointing precedes playing (Jer. 1:5). Playing was simply a way I could release the anointing. Wether I was warming up or not, the anointing still seem to be evident. God’s anointing had superseded my understanding and touched lives without my approval. He had gone before me and I then understood who was in charge. Your desire to play is directly connected to the prophetic anointing inside of you. Wanting to play a solo is not selfish. Playing for selfish reasons is selfish. The desi...
Showing posts with the label beyond sunday
Worship: Battle Strategies....
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Scene of World War II Battle Front A war is a sustained fight between two armed groups of people and then a battle is those areas or places that are fought in the duration of the war. I have heard this saying, the devil won this battle but he hasn’t won the war. Our war is with devil always but in the duration of that war they are smaller battles that we fight every day in our lives and our lives as worshipers whether dancers, mimes, singers, painters or musicians. Yes we are, yes we are in a war, war within and war on the outside, battle never stops raging day and night. It actually gets hotter with each day and sometimes we fumble on how we do things, at times we lose sight of what God is doing but we also win some battles. Every battle or war has a strategy that is implored in winning that battle and It’s not always about firepower that wins the battle but strategy. Looking in the word we start with Israelites ready to conquer Jericho but God tells them t...
Lifestyle of Worship
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Worship is giving, offering, presenting glory, honour, majesty, power and worth to Him who seats on the throne and this is done in various ways. One would use music, one could serve God, one would minister to God, surrender his or her life towards God, one would kneel, one would dance and one would live his life consecrated for God. There are many ways to express our worship. Worship starts from the heart and we use whatever we have to express it to God. Today when I read this scripture in Ezekiel 46, it took me aback and this came out of this scripture. “And thou shalt daily offer a burnt-offering unto Jehovah, of a yearling-lamb without blemish: thou shalt prepare it morning by morning” , Ezekiel 46: 13. Basically here God is instructing Israel that they offer a lamb which a year old every morning of their lives to God. Theologists agree that on this chapter God did not demand an evening sacrifice as he had done in the past. Sacrifices in the Old Testament were mostl...
Communion And Fellowship: What Its All About
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Worship is lifting up the name of God in all splendor with everything we have in life, it’s not just a song you sing, worship is a lifestyle and daily experience not a 2hour Sunday recreation of taking off stress. Worship is what we were created to do, Isaiah 43:21 states “ This people have I formed for myself; they shall declare my praise ” When I talk of fellowship I am not talking of meeting with the brethren once or twice a week to have coffee, tea, biscuits, and a song plus discussing a chapter of the bible. When I talk of communion I am talking of taking the Lord’s Supper and the elements not am talking about the frequency we should take it. The bible sometimes uses these interchangeably because they basically speak of the same lifestyle. I am talking of a lifestyle of living and knowing God in an intimate way. Talking of not knowing God at 8am, 1pm or at 10pm when you sleep, only knowing during your prayer time and beyond that there isn’t anything. I speak of a l...
The Sacrificial Part of Worship: Lessons From Manoah
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In Judges 13 we meet the story of Samson’s birth when an angel came to announce the call of Samson upon Manoah’s wife. The Angel told her she was to conceive and bear a child and no razor would touch his head. She inturn told the Manoah about the visitation. Manoah was absent when the angelic visitation happened to his wife but regardless He chose to entreat (beseech, request for earnestly) God in his own place that the angel visits them again so that they can learn how to rear the child Samson in the manner that he should be brought up. The question is, how many of us are entreating (earnestly searching) the Lord to teach us worship, Let alone lead us into worship the manner that he desires us to worship. Beyond Sunday are we chasing after God, beyond the four walls of church or mid-week services as worshippers do we have a relationship with the Lord. Worship is a lifestyle and daily experience and I know we are in a world full of things going on, but we need ...