
Showing posts from December, 2011

What is worship?

Image Chad Marriott Posted on: Thursday 15 December 2011 As musical directors at Kingdom Faith Church, Chad Marriott and Pete Norman are passionate about seeing people meet with God through worship and work tirelessly to train up and release others in their musical gifting. This is a transcript of a recent interview with them on the subject of “What is worship?” What is worship? Chad : I would say that worship is what you give out or your heart. It’s your heart expression towards God and that expression is expressed through your lifestyle and basically your relationship with God. And of course we know that people tend to think that worship is just the music side of things, but that is just one of many expressions. So if I was to put it down to one thing I would say worship is your own heart expression towards God. Pete: I would second that and say worship is your lifestyle. Worship is a lifestyle that honours God, in one part, a...
Good Day   Worshippers  A Worship Pastor once said this story at a worship seminar we did. A 6year old boy first week in primary school brought home a picture he drew in art class and walked up to the father and said “Daddy look at what I drew and he handed him a piece of paper with a picture drawn on it like this The father was so excited and happy and he asked “did you draw this” the son with a great smile and happiness replied it is me and this is my first in school. The father took the drawing was proud of the son and was happy though this wasn’t a good drawing but he was proud and happy for his son and he took the drawing and placed it on the fridge. Everyone who came into their house was shown the picture by the father and he continually boasted of his son. “ But we are all as an unclean  thing,  and all our righteousnesses  are  as filthy rags”, Isaiah  64:6 and I also read a book one of the paragraph head...