Worship Isn’t A Carnal Weapon

Worship is vehicle that allows us access into God’s throne room and access to his presence. Worship allows us to express our gratitude and heartfelt desires to God, it is a blessing to mankind because it has opened a platform for us to commune with God. Worship glorifies and blesses God and it’s in the process that you find that the satanic kingdom is destroyed. Over time we have learnt that worship is a very powerful weapon for mankind in fighting evil. Studying the scriptures I found out that for worship to be a mighty weapon, the focus and object of that worship should totally be God and no one else. In the scriptures listed below you will see that it was when Israel sought God and made the focus of their worship on lifting up God and putting their eyes and confidence in God not their enemies. God would ask them to worship and their deliverance would come through their worship. Why does God send trained warriors to the battle field to worship and not to lift up ...