
Showing posts from January, 2012

The Worship That Breaks Out...

It’s not the way of the world 2 Chronicles 13:11 we meet an angry King David blaming God that he was trying to bring glory to God by bringing the ark back into Jerusalem something that King Saul did not do. In the process of the Ark being brought, God broke out, smote and killed Uzzah because he took ahold of the Ark as it was stumbling and stopping it from falling. Was it Uzzah’s fault that he got killed? surely with all your intelligence if you see something falling what would you do? If you knew that the hopes of the whole country falling and crashing before you, what would you do? human senses will tell you “do something”. Then why did God break out on Uzzah.   David went back into the scriptures and learnt that it only the duty of Levites to the carry the Ark of the Lord anywhere and he wasn’t supposed to use ordinary men or man from any other tribe to carry the ark of the Lord into Israel. He also learnt that it was a Philistine system (worldly system) of car...

Power of the Name of Jesus

Happy 2012, I believe that this year is my year and your year where GOD will be lifted up daily within us 24/7 throughout and this year we start with the Name of the Lord A name represents the character of the person, God’s name declares much about person but the Bible reveals God and his name. In today’s world names carry little weight as people carry nicknames, alias’s stage names and all but in the biblical time your name meant a lot of who you are and the destiny you carried, that’s why God had to change the names of some people so that he could work on them. The International Bible Encyclopedia explains that A “name” is that by which a person, place or thing is marked and known. In Scripture, names were generally descriptive of the person, of his position, of some circumstance affecting him, hope entertained concerning him, etc., so that “the name” often came to stand for the person The name of the Lord signifies authority and power and his holy character and in ...