Worship From An Alabaster Flask Part 2

We continue our journey of Worship from an Alabaster Flask with a Part 2 in which we take the account of St Joh n Chapter 12:1-9 . Like we said in the previous article Jesus was anointed with oil twice in his life, at the start of his ministry just after he chosen the 12 disciples. The second time he was anointed was at the end of his ministry in the house of Martha (it was Martha’s house) whose brother was raised from the dead Lazarus and it was just before Jesus was crucified. It’s amazing how the same incident would happen in the life of our Lord and the most amazing thing about these two incidents is that the first anointing from the flask prepared Jesus into his ministry and the last time it prepared Jesus into his death. The worship of both these women met a need that was not seen or conceived by the human eye. I pray that God opens our eyes to understand the value and importance of what we do. Martha and Mary were hosting Jesus and the disciples in their ho...