Worship From An Alabaster Flask Part 1
Flask Worship is worship from deep within the recess of the Spirit, it’s not
for show off but the glorification of God. It is an overflow from within a
heart that is pouring itself before God.
two accounts of women breaking alabaster flask of costly ointment onto Jesus.
The first one is the account of Luke which happened at the start of Jesus’
ministry and the other account was 2 days before Jesus was crucified in a
village called Bethany in the house of Simon the Leper.
we start our story in Luke 7: 36-50 where Jesus is just starting ministry and
this account of Mark puts Jesus in the house of Simon the Pharisee.
A woman
who is considered to be a prostitute this is seen in the way they labeled her
to Jesus and this woman burst into the room full of Pharisees and Jesus
disciples who are reclining at the table eating and she had with her an alabaster
box of ointment.
came to Jesus and worshipped him without words
- She broke the bottle: the only way to open the flask in those
days was to break it open. As she broke the flask she showed the
brokenness in her life and her desire to be broken for the Lord.
- Stood at his feet behind him weeping,
When they sat to eat they would put their heads and top body towards the
table and the legs away from the table. Weeping is an outward
manifestation of the condition of the heart. There are so many reasons why
she was crying before the Lord
- Wash his feet with tears,
washing of feet was important in the Jewish culture, if one was a guest
and was invited into the house, the house master would either wash your
feet or set water for you. It showed hospitality, another question is
which parts of the body did Jesus wash his disciples (the feet). Why the
feet, why the washing of the feet, Jesus said that if I do not wash your
feet you do not have a part in me. This woman washed the feet of Jesus she
gathered a part of Christ at the table.

- Wipe them with the hairs of her head,
a woman’s hair was her beauty and to use that which you called my beauty
and use it to minister to God. Minister out of the beauty in your life,
when you do such you are ministering to God’s heart. Worship with
everything, she was abandoning all she had, costly ointment and the most
important thing in her life her beauty for Jesus.
- Kissed his feet -- this showed homage, humility, giving honour;
it’s a sign to show that you honour the person. The kiss was used in
ancient times as the emblem of love, religious reverence, subjection, and
supplication. It has the meaning of supplication, in the way of adoration,
accompanied with subjection…. Judas betrayed Jesus with a what? She was
abandoning her whole life before the Lord.
- Anointed them with the ointment- an alabaster box of
very precious ointment or alabaster box of ointment of spikenard very
precious (a years wages). Worship has a cost to it, following Jesus has a
price and this woman choose to spend her year’s wages to minister to
Jesus. What does your worship cost
say the things we do on the outside are a true reflection of what is within our
hearts. This means that this woman had washed Jesus feet, anointed them, wet
his feet with her tears many times before in her heart within her house before
she was able to do upon His feet. Your worship
is a true reflection of the condition of your heart.
I truly
believe that this woman had thought about doing this act in her life, she
thought about the shame that it could bring her, she thought through it before and
(when she knew that Jesus sat at) she
seized the opportunity and she ran. She wasn’t worried about people’s reaction all she desired was
to glorify Jesus. She wasn’t qualified to worship but God qualified her
She did
a significant thing in the bible as she anointed Jesus ministry placing and
validating it with honour, brokenness, beauty and affection in it. She did an
extraordinary thing and if a sinner can bring such worship before God what kind
of worship are we to bring, us the saved ones who are called of the Lord.
I pray
that God opens our eyes to know how to worship Him as he is meant to be
worshipped to bring brokenness, humility, honour and beauty into his presence
and at his feet all the days of our lives.
Him In The Beauty Of His Holiness"