Communion And Fellowship: What Its All About

Worship is lifting up the name of God in all splendor with everything we have in life, it’s not just a song you sing, worship is a lifestyle and daily experience not a 2hour Sunday recreation of taking off stress. Worship is what we were created to do, Isaiah 43:21 states “This people have I formed for myself; they shall declare my praise

When I talk of fellowship I am not talking of meeting with the brethren once or twice a week to have coffee, tea, biscuits, and a song plus discussing a chapter of the bible.
When I talk of communion I am talking of taking the Lord’s Supper and the elements not am talking about the frequency we should take it.

The bible sometimes uses these interchangeably because they basically speak of the same lifestyle. I am talking of a lifestyle of living and knowing God in an intimate way. Talking of not knowing God at 8am, 1pm or at 10pm when you sleep, only knowing during your prayer time and beyond that there isn’t anything. I speak of a lifestyle of living with God always everything.

Worship is a vehicle that allows us access to God and his presence and what God is looking for is that we may spend time in his presence with him and to be like him. Genesis 3:8, “And they heard the voice of the LORD God walking in the garden in the cool of the day: and Adam and his wife hid themselves from the presence of the LORD God amongst the trees of the garden”.

God would walk into Eden to commune and have fellowship with Adam and Eve, he would leave heaven to come and spend time with them. This shows that God initial plan for men was for fellowship and communion that is why he created us in his likeness. Think of it he would leave heaven to come spend time with Adam and Eve.

Why fellowship and communion, why does God desire to have fellowship and communion with man even though “we are all as an unclean thing, and all our righteousness’s are as filthy rags” Isaiah 64:6. Fellowship and Communion speak off:

  • God’s presence:  God wants us not only to enjoy him as God but to also enjoy his presence. In his presence there is fullness of joy, in his presence there are pleasures for evermore, in his presence there is beauty for ashes, in his presence there is glory. Worship is a key to unlock such a place and we need to learn how to use this key.

  • Intimacy:  Pst Tom Deuschle always uses the words “into me see” God is looking for us to be intimate with Him, to know him and his truth. Some worshippers only know the God that their pastor preaches they do not know him beyond the pastor’s revelation. God wants us to worship him so that we become more like him and God desires that we may see into him.

  • Working together:  Sometimes the fastest way to know someone is to work with them on a project or something. Fellowship and communion also allows us to work with God in his work and in turn we get to know him better. Allow God to work with you and in turn you will get to know him, He already knows us but now He wants us to know Him

  • Friendship:  Fellowship or communion is not done with sworn enemies but it is done with people who know each other. What made Abraham become a friend of God?

How did the LORD spake unto Moses face to face, as a man speaketh unto his friend Exodus 33:11 it is because Moses would spent time with God, Moses would lose count of days he would spend with God. God is looking to for you to spend time with Him.

God might not walk physically into the earth like He did in Eden but the Holy Spirit will go with you everywhere you want him go. The Holy Spirit is waiting calling and wanting to work with you, spend time with you, to be intimate with you and want to take us into His presence.

God is calling you to a deeper life, God wants a deeper life with you, he wants to know you and work with you. God is calling you to fellowship and communion; let us be hungry and thirsty for him.

“The grace of the Lord Jesus Christ, and the love of God, and the communion of the Holy Ghost, be with you all. Amen”. 2 Corinthians 13:14

"Worship Him In The Beauty Of His Holiness"


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