Worship is A Decision

Worship and Salvation are decisions that one has to make, no one makes the decision for you or sign on your behalf, they are all about you and God. God is looking to connect with men and especially with you. Men were created for fellowship with God and fellowship with God is one on one.

“Worship is an internal attitude and action that focuses on God”. Anonymous

Tithe blesses you, fasting makes your spirit sensitive to the Holy Spirit, offering and alms are added to your account, prayer allows you to withdraw your blessing kept for you by God. Worship is one lifestyle that causes God to stop, call a time out in Heaven, spin on his seat and take time to meet with you.

Every time God came on earth or walked on earth what he was looking for was communion and fellowship with men, He would walk in the garden just to have fellowship with Adam and Eve.  In Genesis 11 God came down looking for communion with men and he found men building the Tower of Babel. God’s heart is to infuse man’s heart with love and his glory so that we may more and more like Him.

Worship allows you such communion with God and there has to be a decision on your side that you love to worship because it allows you to enjoy Him, his presence and his glory. It is in the day that you choose to worship because you love the Lord, that the love journey to knowing and becoming like Him starts.

Too often we don’t want to worship because we are tired, fatigued, so beaten down, demoralized and emotionally down, it is that place of greatest power when you choose to worship the Lord that the Lord start to break down your situation and bring you into a place where you see God for who He is, lifted up and glorified.

David said “Thou art my God, and I will praise thee: thou art my God, I will exalt thee. O give thanks unto the LORD; for he is good: for his mercy endureth for ever. Psalms 118:28-29. David chose to worship Him because he found Him worthy and good, may you find Him and his enduring mercy.

“There are two times to praise the Lord when you feel like it and when you don’t feel like it”, Pst Bonnie Deuschle. 

Worship is a personal decision you make, one should do it for you because it’s how you meet your Maker.What it will take you to meet the Maker of all and fall in his presence and just worship. I pray that you make the decision to worship Him because where He is worshipped he shows up and “He inhabitest (dwells) the praises of his people” Psalms 22:3 because you worship He will dwell in your praises.

“Decide today who you shall worship but as for me and my house we will serve the Lord”. Joshua 24:15 Decide today who you will worship and Worship Him in the Beauty of His Holiness.


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