The Trust Challenge, Something To Think About Part 2

Trusting the Lord is not an easy thing, if we say we trust in God then why doesn’t God do what He wants in my life. How many people in the world said they trust God but we forget it all when things get tough and hard on the journey to where God is taking us?

We have gotten so used to being in charge at life, family, work, ministry and letting all that go in a world that speaks of having it all, does Trusting the Lord stand a chance in your life? 

 “I’m going to issue you a challenge, Why not put your whole life in God’s hands, Why not trust him fully. I challenge you to give him full clearance to lead your life –every area of your life –until the point he proves himself to be trustworthy. At that moment you can bail out but until then give God total control. I challenge you to push the throttle as far as you can push it and live your life wide open to God and see where his way takes you. I have a feeling you will never regret it” 

This is a passage from book I’m reading by Pst Bill Hybels called “The Power of a Whisper”, “Hearing God and Having The Guts To Respond”.  

“O house of Israel, cannot I do with you as this potter? saith the LORD. Behold, as the clay is in the potter's hand, so are ye in mine hand, O house of Israel”. Jeremiah 18:6

God is placing a challenge before us, to trust him with our lives, looking at the passage from Jeremiah. God is the potter, the maker and we are the clay, the material. Can we trust the Lord that whatever we are going through we hold onto Him, just to believe that we are being molded into the manner or artifact he desires as the potter.


God is issuing a challenge “cannot I do with you as this potter” can I not be as good as this potter to you. 

 So many times we say we trust in the Lord but we don’t give him the right place for Him to show up and do as he has planned. We don’t allow him to do what He desires, we want him to show up in a way we want, we want him to speak to us in the way that we desire and most times we forget that we are the clay and He is the maker.

Moreover whom he did predestinate, them he also called: and whom he called, them he also justified...” Romans 8:30. We already have a predestined life by the Lord and shouldn’t we trust Him to take care of us until we get to that place.

Someone wrote about Abraham’s sacrifice on Mount Moriah “imagine the awkwardness of the journey back home for Isaac and Abraham” but I say imagine how Abraham felt as he was walking to Mount Moriah with the son of the promise the one thing he cherished and loved the son of his old age and now he is being asked to sacrifice him. How many of us will truly trust the Lord to that extent that Abraham did.  

Some will say that I have taken it far but isn’t it what the Lord is asking of us when He says “Trust in the LORD with all thine heart; and lean not unto thine own understanding. In all thy ways acknowledge him, and he shall direct thy paths”. Proverbs 3:5-6. 

Trusting the Lord there is the Challenge, it’s up to us.

"Worship Him In The Beauty Of His Holiness"


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