Choosing Songs For A Worship Session or A Songlist

Different places sing different songs, different churches use different genre of music or no music at all and its challenging as a worship leader because one thing that stands out in any place of worship are the songs of worship. A great worship leader is one who knows how to use worship songs to glorify God.

It’s easy to stand in a room full of people and sing songs of worship and people either connect with them or people are baffled. It’s easy to choose songs that you know that anytime, any day you will “kill it” or you will deliver or we choose songs that won’t work. 

We get in frantic mode to pick the best songs everyone will like, that every church is doing, the ones on the radio or songs that make everyone jump. Then, when it comes time to lead worship, we sing through the same songs. Leading worship is about creating a platform for people to meet their maker; it’s about us fading into the background and God being visible.

In order to lead, you must know where you're going, have something to say and stay focused for the long haul. You can never take people where you have never been, if you have never been to the throne room you won’t be able to take them there. 

Every song has an anointing and grace it releases and if that grace connects with the depth of the worship leader the atmosphere will shift. May every time we stand to lift him up that we connect with the grace or anointing in the songs so that we bring glory to Him

Here are just a few tips when choosing songs
1.      Follow the leading of the Holy Spirit
The Holy Spirit is always doing a new work and every worship session or service He always wants to touch and show himself as God. If we can allow Him to lead us to that place which will mean changing our song list on the spot and we end up using different songs, following Him always ends in a good place.

2.      Scripture Based Songs
The most powerful songs of worship I know are all scripture based for example “As A deer pantheth”, “Create in Me”. Scripture based songs always carry a grace that allows us to connect with God. God word is life and truth there is something about glorifying God based upon his word that opens doors

3.      Simple Songs
Creativity within us challenges us and at times drives us to do the more difficult songs which are a bit complex and long in nature. Some amazing songs are the most simplest of songs, simple verse and simple chorus, but the focus of such song is God. I have seen worship teams lost on worship with just a chorus and verse not more than 10 lines.

4.      Can the choir, band or backing vocals carry the songs
It’s easy to sing a song but if the rest of your team either do not know it or are clueless then a rift and a gap created immediately. There is a blessing when everyone participates in the worship to the audience of one.

Don’t worship alone, don’t be in your own bubble carry people with you into his presence.

Leading People Into The Beauty Of Holiness

When it comes to preparing for a worship service, what is the first question you typically ask of or think through?


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