
Worship Is and Can Be Dangerous Part 1

  “The presence of God must have its full power, and the flesh must be silent before Him” Nadab and Abihu where man of God they were anointed and blessed and even capped with knowledge, sons of the Highest Priest, Aaron and nephews to the deliver of Israel Moses and they had just ordained as the first order of priests in the whole community of Israelites. “And Nadab and Abihu, the sons of Aaron, took either of them his censer and put fire therein, and put incense thereon, and offered strange fires before the LORD, which he commanded them not. And there went out fire from the LORD, and devoured them, and they died before the LORD”. Lev 10:1-2 Several things to note in this passage of Scripture is that 1. They didn't have orders to burn the incense because a Priest had to wait for his turn to come for him to serve in the temple Luke 1:9. Note that its only one priest not two who were to burn incense          2. They had ...

4 Types of Worship

  Worship is one gift given to mankind that allows him to connect up with the divine presence of God, Worship allows us access to Him and his presence. Most people want to focus on what worship is and isn’t, today our focus is to look at the types of worship. Worship comes in so many forms and we not looking at which one is correct but we are looking at the various types 1.         Vain worship “ But in vain do they worship me, teaching as their doctrines the precepts of men ”.   Mark 7:7. Vain according to the Oxford Dictionary says use someone’s name in a way that shows a lack of respect for example “ take someone's name in vain ”. It’s easy to come to a place where we no longer reverence or honour the name of God and we do all we do professing that we are worshipping God and we don’t even have any idea of what we are doing. It’s easy to worship God and not mean it, your heart and mind are not in it but your body is presen...

Signs of a Heart That's Far From God

This Article is from Charisma News Magazine The prodigal son didn't end up among the pigs the day he left his father's house; he went through a gradual process of decline (see Luke 15:11-15). So it is with us. If the enemy presented the end with the first temptation, it would be easy to resist! But usually the departure from grace is so subtle that even leaders take the bait. The warning signs are visible long before we fully embrace sin. One of the first is that we allow other people or things to take the place in our hearts that belongs only to God. Preferring any earthly thing over God is a clear sign that our hearts have wandered. Even the spiritually mature are in danger of allowing what is visible to usurp the place of the eternal, invisible God. The result is that we become lukewarm in our pursuit of God. Complacency sets in. We compare ourselves to the standard of others rather than to the standard of the Word and justify what we know is compr...

How Familiarity Kills Worship

“What will take you to the top will sustain you at the top”, it’s a statement that I was taught when I was growing in the Lord. Funny enough I have been in place where I have gotten to the top and ditched this principle and the results where catastrophic in my life and the shame they brought its crazy. As worshipper and Christians we are slowly loosing reverence and honour to the things which are so important in life. Worship is one elements of the life of a Chr istian which can be destroyed by familiarity What familiarity will do: ·          Altar or stage The way you see it as either a stage or it’s an altar, if it’s a stage then you perform and if it is the altar then its holy ground and the way you conduct yourself there will determine your worship. I have been standing here since I was 6yrs old, I know how to do this, that’s familiarity, what if, God wants to break out in a different way unlike never before used to doing t...

Flowing with the Holy Spirit in Worship

Worship leading is a huge and amazing respons ibility in life and I pray that we do it with all our heart, mind and life. Our mandate as worship leaders is to carry people to the throne, bringing people   to that place where they meet with God face to face. Every person has a certain way that there live their life, that’s kinda the idea of what flow is all about. Every person has a way they lead no matter how many people in a worship team or choir we all can’t do what our neighbor can do. So as a worshipper you have a certain flow, a certain way that you consciously or subconsciously worship in.  Flow is also the way we move from one song to the next, how you move people from praise into worship, how you lead people from prayer to song. All those traits are part of flow.  The first thing I was taught when I became a part of the choir was “you cannot lead people to a place that you have never been”.   Driving people into an area you have never ...

The Ignorant Worshipper Part 2

God is not just a push over, a worship thirsty God, holding a three ponged fork growing fat from the worship and if we don’t worship Him he dies of thirst, God isn’t the God portrayed in TV with instant everything and quick fix deals and all, the one with unending wrath and anger.   His name is Jehovah King, He Is Lord. ·          The LORD most high is terrible Psalms 66:3 ·            King over all the earth Psalms 47:2 ·          God who sits upon the throne of his holiness Psalms 47:8 My bible tells me “ For God is the King of all the earth: sing ye praises WITH understanding ”. Psalms 47:7. So think for a while, we are to sing praise with understanding, what is understanding, how does it come about? Worship today has become a huge debate in churches and in other places they call it worship wars. Worship is the foundation of a Ch...