How Familiarity Kills Worship

As worshipper
and Christians we are slowly loosing reverence and honour to the things which
are so important in life. Worship is one elements of the life of a Christian
which can be destroyed by familiarity
familiarity will do:
or stage
The way you see it as either a stage or it’s an altar, if it’s
a stage then you perform and if it is the altar then its holy ground and the
way you conduct yourself there will determine your worship. I have been
standing here since I was 6yrs old, I know how to do this, that’s familiarity,
what if, God wants to break out in a different way unlike never before used to
doing this and it has become an oh! that ground.
It’s so easy to fall in a place where we increase skill and
ability or become used to playing the same songs over and over that we can play
them eyes closed. One thing I know is that the spirit is always moving and when
we grow complacent we no longer recognize the move of the spirit. May the
spirit of God take control of your instrument and through you may he play that
which brings glory to his Majesty.
When we grow used to playing it loses value, the problem
isn’t the instruments it’s one’s attitude towards worship that will change
everything around
I remember watching a clip and the interviewer said I am
sitting here with my Pastor Friend so and so, my heart sank. Our worship is
killed when we look at the people appointed in our lives as common and as our playmates.
Some worship leaders actually question the decisions of the pastor at all
times, no matter how old or young, how inadequate he is. Grow up, if God wanted
you to be the Pastor he would have ordained you but He ordained that pastor and
us as worship leaders we need to learn to honour and submit to these seats
it before
We have done enough worship services; we sing these sings
every Wednesday and Sunday. You started ministering when you were young, you
have seen it all. With time because we have done it all we lose focus of God
and we hang onto an idea of God and an idea of his power. Familiarity is a small killer bit by bit
killer but its results are very detrimental to life.

May we never allow our hearts to walk into familiarity, just like a
spring of water which has water flowing, it always clean and working and the
day the water stops flowing it’s become green, full of weeds and with a filthy
May your live be the clean
flowing spring and may we never allow familiarity to settle in us.
Him In The Beauty Of His Holiness"