What is Praise?

This week article was written by our Guest Blogger Taka Sande. . Praise is an expression of admiration and appreciation. When we praise someone we tell Him how wonderful [we think] he is, or how great his accomplishments are. It is the same with God. All true praise has something to do with acknowledging and focusing on God’s nature, character and power. It has elements of complimenting, glorifying, honouring and exalting God. Praise also involves joyful thanking and adoring of God, and celebration of his goodness and grace. To have effective praise we need to understand the attitude of God, the object of our praise. We have to know God. As we praise we focus on God’s; self-sufficiency, eternity, totality, love, presence, greatness, glory, uniqueness, holiness, Excellency, strength, reliability, majesty, creativity, generosity, ability, justice, beauty, kindness, forgiveness, faithfulness, powerfulness, righteousness, mercifulness, joy, stability, wonderfulness, truthfulness, patienc...