
Showing posts from February, 2010


Praise and Worship is a declaration Declared Praise and Worship is a statement Stated Praise and Worship is a commandment Commanded It is Our P.D.A Public Display of Affection Affectionated It`s a plethora of public presentation It`s showing forth our shining faith Through Acoustic energy by the Almighty Earth was evoked Through Acoustic energy by us We are shining We are breaking through As our words, emotions, actions Activate our P.D.A If it is our P.D.A Dignity is dismantled Attention is erased Notice is neglected For We show forth love

Worship Aint Just Singing Part2

Worship Is Not Just Singing. Part 2 In the last post we began to expand and bringing to an understanding to a myth we have encountered “Worship is singing”. Today we are going to finish the last part of that of that article and explain that worship is not just singing but it is our daily lifestyle of bringing God glory. Hebrews 13:15 states “By him therefore let us offer the sacrifice of praise to God continually, that is, the fruit of our lips giving thanks to his name”. It shows us that worship can be seen in the fruit of our lips, our works on their own should bring glory to God. This can be seen in 2 Chronicles 9:3-9 were the Queen of Sheba gave glory to God when she saw the works that King Solomon She gave God glory to God in response to what she saw in Israel, what can man see in our lives, character, lifestyle, things we own that they can bless God, just as the fruit of our lips should glorify God, the fruit of our work the fruit of our lives and the fruit of our families shou...

Worship Aint Just Singing

Worship Is Not Just Singing “True Worship is much more than singing songs we like to sing” Geoff Bullock “In our culture singing has become almost synonymous with worship” In the recent post we have been looking at the meaning of the word Worship and its formation from a Greek and Hebrew language perspective and how it was formed in the English Language. This has brought a lot of understanding to us and today we continue to dig deeper into the word of God so to understand more about worship. People believe and understand that Worship means to exalt, to praise, to lift, to ascribe, to magnify God in song its because they are used to the 30 minutes of praise and worship alone that they have in the church on the Sunday before the pastor preaches, this is what they believe worship is all about. The first mention of worship in the bible was in Genesis 22:5which states “stay here whilst I and the lad go yonder and worship and come again”. We read in the preceding verses that Abraham had no ...