Worship Aint Just Singing

Worship Is Not Just Singing

“True Worship is much more than singing songs we like to sing” Geoff Bullock

“In our culture singing has become almost synonymous with worship”

In the recent post we have been looking at the meaning of the word Worship and its formation from a Greek and Hebrew language perspective and how it was formed in the English Language. This has brought a lot of understanding to us and today we continue to dig deeper into the word of God so to understand more about worship.
People believe and understand that Worship means to exalt, to praise, to lift, to ascribe, to magnify God in song its because they are used to the 30 minutes of praise and worship alone that they have in the church on the Sunday before the pastor preaches, this is what they believe worship is all about.

The first mention of worship in the bible was in Genesis 22:5which states “stay here whilst I and the lad go yonder and worship and come again”. We read in the preceding verses that Abraham had no band or worship team or dancers or sound but it was a meeting between Him and God in the audience off Isaac. Worship to him was both a spiritual and a physical act, “Abraham sacrificed Isaac in his heart before he sacrificed Isaac physically”, worship goes beyond singing, and it was a lifestyle of sacrifice.

Mathew 2:2 states “ For we have seen a star in the East and we have come to worship Him”, The wise men came to worship Jesus the king they did not just come singing but they came with a sacrifices of gifts and money to give to Jesus. The wise men fell down on the ground and worshipped the Christ, gave him gift sang and exalted The King and presented their gifts. To them worship went beyond just singing into bowing, giving sacrifices and giving their gift full of their utmost joy.

That’s what worship is about, it is not just singing but also it’s the attitude we carry, worship is a lifestyle (the way you walk, talk, live, breathe, relationships) that you live every single day, Worship is giving ascribing God with Glory and it continues beyond the walls of church into our daily lifestyle.

We will finish this post next week focusing on tackling the mindset that worship is just singing hymns and songs

God Bless

Ark of Worship

Kelvin Mutize


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