Basis Of Worship by Rock Presely

Good Day Worshipers

Commanded Worship was a article I wrote and Rock Presely replies me and I found his article amazing that I had to post it, so here it goes.

You know, I have a hard time being motivated out of being told that I have to worship God. By that, I mean how many of us have discovered an authentic relationship with the Father because he said so, or we read that it was right. Rather, we have done so because he is our hearts desire and we have experienced his love and mercy.

I don't worship God because he says so, but because as was said by Wannabe above, I was made to, and because I know him, I can't really help myself...sometimes. I equate it to this. When I tell my five year old to pick up his toys, he has a choice to be obedient or not. Hopefully he choses to be obedient, and typically he will receive a reward for his actions, but ultimately, as my son, he has to obey his dad. But there are times when he is motivated out of other means, like time on the Nintendo Wii or a trip to the park.

At that point, he is being obedient vicariously through his hearts desire to go to the park. But there are times when he cleans his room up to please his dad. They are rare, but occasionally they do happen. These rare moments are the ones that are the most special, because they are the ones where he shows his love and devotion to me. His desire and motivation is to please his father.

So sure, we should worship God because he says so, but do we really think that simply doing that in which we are told to brings the most glory to God? I do my taxes because I have to. How much glory does that bring to Uncle Sam? Great job. I did my job as a citizen. I did my job as a good Christian.

There are also times when we worship so that we can get something out of it, rather that being a touch from God, a spiritual experience, blessings, healing, the feeling of accomplishment, etc. But there are those times, which seem to be oh so rare, when our motivation to worship has no basis in obligation or desires for other things. There are those rare times when we come to the Father with no agenda, with no desire other than pleasing and being close to the one we love.

Let me just say this.I believe that God receives glory and is pleased with all of these approaches, but my hearts desire is to follow Christ because it is my joy, not because it is my obligation as a son, but because I am fleshly and selfish, I certainly need the commands to keep me straight. I just think that we as believers put a ton of stock in being obedient, which is a foundation that must exist in order to have any relationship with the Father, but so many of us scratch that religious itch, feel like we have this Christian walk thing down, and stop right there.

There is so much more!

Rocky Presley

Technical Director
Northwest Bible Church|Dallas, TX


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