Thirsty For Worship

Good Day Worshippers In the passage we will read below David had a desire 2 Chronicles 11: 17-18 David thirsted for the water of the well in Jerusalem, it is the same cry that God has today for his creation. God desires and thirsts for our worship. Can you hear the cry; Oh! That man would give me worship from the well of their hearts. God is not an arrogant, egomaniac, demander and all names we may call him, God is a God, God is worthy our worship and Chronicles say “give unto God worth DUE to his name”. It is because we have been scarce in his presence and he desires to meet us. He desires that we might know him and he would want us to spend time with Him and be more like him as he says “Be Holy as I am Holy”. We no longer have time for God because of our busy schedules, work routines, double shifts, schooling, making money matters, problems and too much entertainment has destroyed our lives that we no longer have time for God anytime we have to find extra time for us to ...