Thirsty For Worship

Good Day Worshippers

In the passage we will read below David had a desire 2 Chronicles 11: 17-18

David thirsted for the water of the well in Jerusalem, it is the same cry that God has today for his creation. God desires and thirsts for our worship. Can you hear the cry; Oh! That man would give me worship from the well of their hearts.

God is not an arrogant, egomaniac, demander and all names we may call him, God is a God, God is worthy our worship and Chronicles say “give unto God worth DUE to his name”. It is because we have been scarce in his presence and he desires to meet us. He desires that we might know him and he would want us to spend time with Him and be more like him as he says “Be Holy as I am Holy”.

We no longer have time for God because of our busy schedules, work routines, double shifts, schooling, making money matters, problems and too much entertainment has destroyed our lives that we no longer have time for God anytime we have to find extra time for us to work with God.

God today is thirsting for Worship he desires worship and is yearning for worship and not just any kind of worship but pure, deep hearted worship. Because we are scarce in His presence today He calls you to meet in his presence and know Him. God created you so you may worship Him and meet him face to face.

I was told of a story of a couple driving in their car, the wife was sitting in the back and the husband driving. The wife asked why you have moved far away from me nowadays and distant. The husband said I have not moved anywhere, it’s because you seating in the back nowadays that’s why you feel so. Is that not a representation of relationship between us and God?

2 Chronicles 11: 8 David three mighty men broke through the Philistine barricades and fetched water for David. Today can you breakthrough your schedules, appointments, double shifts, jobs and just get time to connect with God. God misses you in his presence He desires to meet with you.

To some worship is like instant coffee quickly finished and quickly done, we are to quick to enter and quick to leave the presence of God. God is talking today that you may enter His presence and stay longer. God thirst to bless us to strengthen us in this hard difficult and tiresome world we find ourselves in and this can only be done by Him in His presence.

God thirsts to meet you, to show who He is, to raise you, to bless you. David had a desire and would say “Oh that man would praise his name”

"Worship Him In The Beauty of His Holiness"


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