Worshipping God In The Midst Of Battles

Good Day Worshippers

Psalms 23 speaks that God will prepare for you a table in the midst of our enemies and battle raging all around us. Being a Christian means signing up for battles, battles with your mind, problems, situation and forces before your life.

Paul and Silas had a battle to fight in their lives when they there where thrown into prison.

Take a note of this

1. They were thrown into the prison

2. They were thrown into the inner cell

3. They were guarded with sentries by the door

4. They were placed in chains called stocks on their legs

Here was a battle they had just delivered a girl from being held by a demon and now there they are being thrown into prison because of Good deed they had done. It was a battle and war to stay in peace and right thinking some of us in that place, they could have questioned God why us and why why why. We have just delivered your daughter from the stronghold of Satan, this was their war.

In Acts 16:25 “But about midnight Paul and Silas were praying and singing hymns unto God, and the prisoners were listening to them”. In the midst of their battles they decided to worship they knew who their God, they were not arm twisting God they worshipped because they loved God and such worship is what God listened to.

They gave their all singing and worshipping God not for anything but from the place where they knew who their God is, such pure praise touches God’s heart and in Verse 26 God responded “and suddenly there was a great earthquake, so that the foundations of the prison-house were shaken: and immediately all the doors were opened, and every one's bands were loose”.

Such worship not only blessed them but their worship also liberated the whole prison and brought salvation to the warden and his family. That is worshipping God in the midst of battles, when you are faced with battles of any right just stop at times to give out petitions and just worship because of who He is, just magnify God not worshipping God to take them away or you are praying for a breakthrough but just worship God alone because He is God he knows why those battles are there and how you will go through. The bible says that God will not allow you to be temped beyond your capacity, so God is in control.

So why worry? Just learn to worship God even when the battles are raging just learn to magnify God because He is in control and he know what’s happening and when and how you are going to get out. Paul and Silas never knew that God was going to cause an earthquake but God did.

Just worship God in everyplace don’t wait for battles but in every manner and time just worship God, because can save with a few and a thousand.

“Worship Him in The beauty Of His Holiness”


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