Worship by the Fear of Lord. Part 2

Good Day Worshippers
We are picking up from Part 1 where we spoke the fundamentals of the fear of the Lord and what it’s all about and in this article we finish it off.
So the "fear of the Lord,” is a phrase of the Old Testament which show piety, of which piety means (reverence for or devotion), meaning reverential trust, with hatred of evil. Fear is not something that you wear on and off like a shirt but it’s an attitude that you carry, it is away of life and a lifestyle you live by.
Still many today are persuaded that the word fear really means respect. There is a type of superficial respect to God that does not affect how one lives. “There is that fear that is not coupled with love and trust, and therefore can lead only to terror and despair”, such kind of fear only makes you walk in fright maybe God can strike you by lightning.
It should not be the case in today’s life where we wait for G...