Worship Is An Avowal and A Statement

Avowal Is a public statement that something is true, a declaration, worship is a public statement. It is our declaration of our love for God. Worship is our public display of affection (P.O.D). It is our way to show the world and the generations living and yet to live that we worship God. Avowal is our public statement of faith.

“One generation shall praise your work to another and shall declare our mighty acts” Psalms 148:4

Worship is a place to proclaim and declare the greatness of God over the earth and over our life. Worship is proclaiming, acknowledging, confessing, testifying, attributing and recognising God’s name as King and God to ourselves and generations.

This avowal is not just a statement with strong emphasis but is a word with its strong emphasis based upon reverencing God for who He is. It is not just saying I believe God but that I believe God and revere who He is in my life.

One way too display our avowal is written in Hebrews 13:15 that “the fruit of lips acknowledge (worship) His name”. The work of my hands the fruit of my lips shall declare that I am taken by God, that I love God on its own that is worship God. Look at Daniel bowing and praying to God three times a day with his windows open towards the east. That was a strong avowal which speaks volumes to God. So avowal is not just a public statement, it is also reverence. It is not just a statement or a reverence you carry towards God, it is a lifestyle, it is the work of our hands and the work of our mouth giving God glory always.

So worship is our avowal our manner of life declaring that God is God. You know St Francis of Assisi said go into all the world and preach the gospel and if you must, use words. Today I say go into the entire world and worship God everywhere and if you must stand and sing.

Worship in the Beauty of his Holiness


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